Why doesn’t everyone just head out of town to their cabins?

That’s a good point.

I’m certain Trudeau just sits in the corner at a short plastic table eating crayons while the cabinet and advisors do the actual work.

Fun fact: Quebec also has oil and gas reserves. They have voluntarily declared a moratorium on drilling, despite interested parties.

These reserves are not considered in equalization payments.

Happy to collect, unwilling to contribute.

Wage inflation tends to lag. Can’t pay more until you’ve secured the revenue to do so. The economy is complex, it does not all happen at once.

There has been wage inflation in skill sectors. Immigration has slowed wage growth in unskilled sectors.

Natural resources, infrastructure development, any carbon emitting business. Continued tax increases harm any business requiring skilled workers / high earners.

Put differently, businesses that offer work and salaries that people actually want.

Less good if you’re an individual with concerns about affordability of goods and services.

I haven’t left my home since 2019. One time my grocery delivery arrived and my neighbour across the street was outside. I had to completely cover myself in Saran Wrap to retrieve my groceries.

Now I always ask them to deliver to my back door.

Cost of living in Canada is very low. That’s why we can afford to heavily tax alcohol and other products compared to other countries.

It’s a lot easier to burn something down than it is to building something back. We’re still lighting things on fire, it will decade multiple administrations to turn things around.

Wage growth won’t happen with out a prolific and diverse business environment. Cutting half of our industries off at the knees has clearly not been helpful.

I disagree. There’s a popular opinion amongst a large enough voting base that corporations are evil, supporting businesses is bad, any form of development should be protested, environment trumps citizen well being, etc. the Trudeau government enabled this and virtue signalling became our top national priority.

Unsurprisingly people are now upset that they don’t have jobs, have poor jobs, can’t afford the cost of living, or are underpaid to peers in other countries.

It’s an incredible amount of Canadian hubris to think we have any business being world leaders in anything. We’ve been out weeding the garden while the house burns down this entire administration.

Obtaining perspective is difficult when you never leave your own home.

Even worse when the only people you “socialize”with are in bespoke communities where difference of opinion is actively discouraged. (See r/Alberta cesspool).

These people liked the water restrictions. Not showering helps their hair stay blue longer.

Whiner: Expressing outsized concern about an issue on which you lack pertinent information and/or specialized skills to make a proper assessment.

Yes, you are whiners.

I’m generally supportive of infrastructure and development that makes the city a more enjoyable place to live. There’s worse things my tax dollars could go to.

Gondek modifying the original deal to give the Flames an out was peak idiot. There was never going to be a good deal after that point with her at the helm.

Piss off the rich. Piss off the poor. Piss off the rich. Piss off the poor.

Pretty impressive really.

I guess if you’re Jyoti sitting there all day with the Courtney’s you probably feel pretty good about yourself compared to those two morons.

Good news Oilers fan, the draft is only days away!

I think that’s just a handful of internet people who fear crowds of 3+.

Sounds like we’re good to go then. We won’t have to cancel business and issue CERB again.

Perhaps you don’t know this, but there is a water shortage today. Stampede, however, is not today, but in the future.

You should run for office. This is the kind of short term thinking we continue to need more of in our governments.

For once our elected officials are looking more than three inches in front of their face with these tariffs and that’s simply the kind of non-sense we don’t want in these parts.

Long winter commutes is certainly a major contributor to that.

If you’re concerned about grocery prices, you should definitely not be in Holt Renfrew.

Not only that, but are educated in a job that would be “too hard” to bother with.


Provides quote that in no way suggests we are nearing an end of capitalism nor provides insight into what post-capitalism might be.

You guys will do great. I’m sure of it.