My 16yo miniature poodle just got diagnosed with IVDD.

I’ve noticed gradual changes to his gait and mobility over the last few years, and it just seemed like the typical consequences of aging. But suddenly, in the past week or so, his condition worsened quickly and dramatically. At first he started dragging his back legs, with them often collapsing beneath him. Then his lower back started to hunch, with his tail tucked between his legs (I don’t think he can even wag his tail anymore). Now, whether he is lying down or standing, he shakes and trembles. It is clear to me that he is in discomfort, but I cannot tell if he is in pain, because he is not yelping, or making any sound at all, really (hasn’t been barking at all). His whole personality and demeanor has completely changed, the energetic dog I know and love seems to be gone. The only reassuring thing is that he still has an appetite, and he has not completely lost the use of his back legs and can still sort of walk, so there is some hope, I think.

Given his age, I’m not sure what the best course of action is. Can a dog this old recover from IVDD and have any sort of quality of life? Do you think we should pursue a conservative or more aggressive treatment (i.e. surgery)? Is euthanasia the more humane option?

For the time being, I bought socks for his back feet, with grips on them, to help him walk without his legs slipping out from under him. I also purchased a harness in case I need to hold his back legs up for him, when he needs to relieve himself outside. I will also immediately have him in a small enclosure with food and water to restrict his movement.

He is my childhood pet—we got him as a puppy when I was in elementary school, we grew up together, and now that I am a grown man ready to begin my life, his is ending. I knew that this day would come, but I did not expect it to be so sudden and so unpleasant. I will do anything to make sure he does not suffer unnecessarily.