And today on our specials is “neighoumi”, a 100% horse meat quarter pounder with grilled halloumi served in a brioche bun with skinny Parmesan fries, only 27.95!

:Papercuts: Papercuts

What helped you learn? Melissa cross?


I was best at German but at uni I do chem… ops ok those?

I don’t agree necessarily - I will say if you’re in economy on a short flight during the day, it’s probably best not to recline. But on long flights of several hours and/or during the night when people will sleep, reclining is OK and should be expected

Provided you only stand up when the seat belt sign turns off. I have seen almost the whole plane stand up as soon as the aircraft stops, but before the seat belt sign turns off.

watched 2x now.

I never liked him. I think his domineering personality vs Joe or Kim was a way for him to feel in control during his divorce, and predictably turns Kim on (she seems to like that type, see also Max).

His tough approach makes him good as a sports coach but not so much in other cases, like when he threatens the students during the protest when Danny gets arrested and eventually smashes his daughter’s phone in a desperate attempt to assert his authority.

Of course, the students only listen to Kim.

As someone who has looked into this traffic management stuff in detail: the concept of traffic management and hard shoulder use is not the issue. Many European countries are doing it successfully.

The problem we had, as with all other great British infrastructure projects, is the obsession with doing it on the cheap. The first scheme they ever did in 2006 was gold-standard. Emergency refuge areas every 500 yards. Full street lighting, floodlights in the refuge areas, much more comprehensive signals and far more cameras.

It would have cost so much less in the long run if they had done every single scheme to that gold-standard. Or even (gasp) traditionally widened with the hard shoulder. It doesn't mean they can't put the technology in. Much of the M25 has the technology and the hard shoulder.


This is the issue with vaping. It becomes an addiction (because it’s nicotine, duh) and so you can’t do without it and situations like this don’t happen.

If you didn’t vape in the first place you wouldn’t be in this situation.

watched 2x now.

Rose and Carol have different personalities though. Carol is extremely caring but in a very tough love kind of way. After she got over her alcohol problems Rose was incredibly sweet and mild-mannered. But you could see how hard both of them were trying to be good mothers and make ends meet.

Starbucks is mine. But tbh I’ve been to Starbucks with many of my male friends.

Tea has no such connotations here in the UK. Everyone drinks it, man or woman. Same goes for coffee.

:Papercuts: Papercuts

Find a new place to hang this noose

:Papercuts: Papercuts

I explain this story every single time.

I was at a train station and right when that line came “The sun goes down… I feel the light betray me” a train came past at 115mph.

And it receded into the night, 25,000 volts of electricity sparking off the wires as it glided away, the wind in my hair and the music in my ears.

In that moment, for the first time in years, I felt alive. The chills down my spine, the smile on my face, I won’t forget it.

:Papercuts: Papercuts

I wish I knew about LP during years 7 to 10 (I’m in the UK btw).

I wasn’t the bullied kid so much as the invisible kid. People talked to me in school, but my friendships were transient and I rarely made any long lasting friends.

Or years 11 to 13 for that matter (which were during Covid so pretty shit anyway). Or my first year of university last year, which as I describe above was one of the hardest years of my life so far.

And I realized how much LP just echoed my feelings when I first heard it.

But my starting to listen to LP, has also corresponded to the start of what seems like a real recovery. I’m starting to actually make friends.

And haven’t even finished listening to all LP songs yet. But every time I find a new one it just resonates in a way that no other music has ever resonated before. And it’s scary because that feeling of being heard and understood and not alone, has been more healing for me than anything else.

A few months ago, I joined the LP discord server. (I go by ml125 if you’re on there!) And the community is just so supportive

:Papercuts: Papercuts

I know what it feels like, to think that nothing can ever go right in your life even once.

I feel for him. Just when he thinks he finally has a chance to break free, he just gets pulled right back into that hell.

To quote his own lyrics, he tried so hard and got so far but in the end, it didn’t even matter.

There are people who argue that “he had everything. He had fame, he had a following, so how could he possibly think that there was nothing to live for?”

I think those people don’t really understand. I live in a house in the suburbs with a loving family and people who care about me, financially stable in a developed country, going to college, but for a long while, I still felt like I had nothing at the same time.

It’s possible to feel like you have everything and nothing at the same time and actually it’s quite crushing. So I really, really feel for the guy.

I just hope he didn’t blame himself for Chris Cornell, and yet part of me just knows he must have, because when it’s someone you care about that’s just how it is. You blame yourself because you always think “is there something more you could’ve done?”

:Papercuts: Papercuts

Oh my, now that you think about it. It’s so weird because the warning signs were staring us in the face. It’s like not even LP was worth living for for him. And I don’t blame him one bit.

I know what that’s like, where absolutely nothing feels worth it anymore. Nothing. You are broken and empty and irredeemable.

And it haunts me because there were times I felt like that too. I managed to move back from the edge but I don’t know how.

:Papercuts: Papercuts

I know it too. Your words touched me. Sitting lonely in my college room, having no-one to talk to, in a new, scary place with seemingly no allies, trying and somehow succeeding not to turn to drink.

And yet I would turn up in college, with a smile on my face, looking enthusiastic but inside feeling completely tired of everything.

I couldn’t justify leaving without having tried everything. Or leaving those who i knew cared for me behind. And it has been hard but my life has slowly been changing for the better. I just hope the same thing happens for everyone I ever meet or talk to who is going through a hard time.

I didnt know about LP then. I remember the first time listening to them just after last Xmas I feel like it changed my whole life because for once I didn’t feel alone.

I felt like people could hear and understand me because LPs lyrics were exactly what I was living and breathing every day.

:Papercuts: Papercuts

Did you see when Chester sang Breaking the Habit for the last time in Birmingham? He did that “gun to his head” and there was a break where he just stood there. He was broken and empty, and it was haunting. You could see his soul just leave, just like that. It’s like in that moment his mind was made up and his fate was set: that concert would be his last. Every time I watch that clip it haunts me.

watched 2x now.

I think near the end of Season 4 it was doing well under Rachel the Great, but then Max and the whole John Fosters thing tanked it all again, and Adam had swooped in and taken Rachel before she could put it all right again.

watched 2x now.

I really grew to like Finn. Earl was just evil for the sake of being evil though.