yg peduli sih ngga ada di situ dari awal

You’re also learning when you’re playing games. Battle strategies, crafting, exploration, and so on. Those knowledge are only useful inside those games, but you enjoy learning it. You shouldn’t approach learning an instrument or language as a “grind”, you’ll never get anywhere. Just learn something you enjoy but keep going when you hit a plateau, just like you keep going when your character is low leveled but then everything becomes easier once you hit level 12 onwards, your new real world skill will also get easier with time.

My travels are usually limited within Southeast Asia, or China to the furthest, and it’s usually once every one or two years for a bit over a week at most. I went to Japan too a couple times. I come from an upper middle class family so I’m luckier, but traveling is a big expense for people in my country, not to mention the time consuming application process if you want to go to Europe. It’s borderline humiliating really to have to convince these faceless bureaucracy that I will go back home. I know the world is unequal but the more I travel (especially now that I travel more around Europe) the more I really understand we’re treated as the lower class citizens of the planet.

I feel you. We all live in one planet but the entire world is really only open to a small percentage of the population. For billions of people on earth, their world is limited to their country because so so many places are prohibitive to their presence that it deters them from even thinking of going.

“Ngapain sih komplen pake fitur yang disediakan pemerintah untuk transparansi publik, nanti fiturnya diilangin pemerintah” adalah sebuah opini jelek

Can’t really appreciate Noda using almost the exact same faces for the characters. From GK it’s clear he’s very creative in making memorable faces so it’s a letdown that he’s just reusing the ones we already associate with other personalities.

“I followed up a couple times”

Just making up reasons to justify genocide again

Native Speaker

Banyak kata2 yang pemakaiannya beda di bahasa indonesia, contohnya “ayat” itu biasanya cuma dipakai kalau ngomongin ayat suci. Kalau mau lebih lancar ya baiknya banyak2 konsumsi media indonesia aja.

Negara2 maju di yurop yang angka kelahiran menurun dan banyak imigran sih ngapain disedihin, orang quality of life mereka aja tetep aja lebih tinggi dari kita lol

That’s just good urban planning. Imagine if the neighborhoods are segregated by wealth

No amount of mental gymnastics can detract from the fact that Israel told Palestinians to go to Rafah and now the world is watching a video of a headless child amidst the assault on Rafah. Netanyahu himself said it was a “tragic mistake”. The clock is ticking for the zionists despite whatever people say on this sub.

Yeah we noticed this subreddit suddenly becoming hardcore Israel supporter no matter how many they have killed

So out of character for Gojo that this goes beyond fanfiction and straight to the bin

As someone from a third world country that has the opportunity to travel since I was younger, I was really surprised when I first learned about the concept of an all-inclusive resort. I guess when traveling is easy and affordable enough you can feel satisfied just lazing around on the resort pool, while for people from my country traveling abroad is a luxury so we tend to explore as much as possible.

People hate zionists and not Jews, stop trying to justify genocide.

Truly. Especially as a trans person who probably knows how it feels to be marginalized. Now OP wants to go to a state that is entirely built on marginalization and occupation? Have some dignity smh

Yeah I know the wedding ring allusion but the sentence is just awkward. What’s “it”? What’s it with? “I’m sorry I had to move you to my right” leaves no room for ambiguity

The one kingdom with political power in Indonesia is the Yogyakarta Sultanate, which was granted their own province, and the Sultan has always been the governor without election. But by all means they are part of Indonesia and the residents vote in elections. However all the lands in the Special Region of Yogyakarta are technically owned by the Sultanate.

What does that translation even mean tho? TCB had it as "I'm sorry I had to move you to my right" which sounds clearer compared to Werry

There is, it's called "stopping Israel from committing genocide" and we are slowly (too slowly) heading towards it

Downvoted for speaking the truth in the middle of a zionist-infested subreddit!