Kind of interesting he’s got this reputation as a phenomenal coach still when repeat or near-repeat frequent champions is pretty common in the NHL. Seems like a lot of coaches have a better pedigree now at the NHL level.

Brendan Smith is not a smart hockey player. I mean that in the sense of thinking the game. He was never going to amount to a lot because of that. I don’t think coaching “ruined him.”

How is it that the NHL has so many repeat appearances on Cup finals? What happened to parity? Or is the NHL on par with other leagues in that regard?

Fascist and authoritarian tendencies don’t just die off, they have to be killed. Until Republicans actively suppress their nut jobs, or the laws change to make it harder to elect them, the extremist GOP is here to stay.

Harris is comically unlikable. I’m shocked she’s gotten this far in national politics. Politics is usually superficial so for a woman who talks like she does, and fakes stories (and gets caught) to connect with voters is pretty remarkable. She’ll never get the nomination herself.

My guess is it’ll be Whitmer or Shapiro.

I wish that would be true but I have a feeling we’d be boxed out pretty fast considering Canada’s anti-immigrant swing lately.

I’m at the point where I don’t even follow it anymore if my team isn’t in it.

What is he trying to prove? People go down to Titanic. They just don’t cut the safety corners like Titan did.

Depending on where you live $21 an hour doesn’t seem crazy to me for a new teacher. Obviously in places like CA or NY it wouldn’t be good but most of the country that’s way better than almost any other job that isn’t like a medical doctor or highly skilled tradesperson.

Imagine if employers didn’t have to foot the bill for health benefits and the like. Places might actually wind up fully staffed with decent work-life balances.

Just started showing my kids Rise because it’s the most family-friendly one of the modern era, I’m already hesitant to show them Dawn or War and this person’s talking about going full R? What’s the point?

He also wasn’t that great a leader. If you go beyond the superficial legends, Lee screwed up a lot and as soon as he was fought by a competent general he really was exposed.

I’m not saying he was a bad general. He wasn’t, he was good. But his reputation as the best general in American history is way overdone.

And now he’s angrier, more vengeful and has pushed all the “adults” out of the room. If he gets power again there’s almost no limit to what he’ll do. With the support of a GOP Congress (I have to assume if he wins they win it all) more radical than he had last time, and the Supreme Court there are no brakes. And even if, say, the Supreme Court did disagree with him, he’d simply ignore them and once again expose the “good faith” nature of our enforcement mechanisms.

I can almost understand the logic of a lot of conservative ideas, but the thing I can’t wrap my head around is stuff like this and banning masks. There’s a line between not wanting to be told what to do, and I sort of understand some resistance to mask mandates in that sense even if I disagree, and actively preventing people from protecting themselves. Or in this case, actively preventing people from a product for no reason other than the political. You don’t have to support expansion of EVs, but to actively attack them or ban them just seems so weird to me.

This article had to have been written by AI.

Libertarians are just anarchists who have a billionaire fetish.

Some cops should let the protestors inside. Since the Republicans are big fans of “prayer meetings” and “tours.”

Yeah, my first thought was: “This could be big in theaters.”

It probably doesn’t appeal to the main demographic they aim for but I think it looks fun enough to suck in a big general audience who haven’t seen a fun movie in a decade.

It looks like a 90s big budget action flick instead of a washed out 2020s CGI mess.

This…actually looks great. I’m shocked because I’m not a fan of resurrecting all these franchises.

The whole 90-day probation thing is dumb. They should still need legitimate cause to fire someone. At USPS it seems like they look for reasons to fire people in their probation.

And to hear him talk about it, it’s basically straight out of Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

I haven’t seen the last two but surely Ayckroyd is still into it, right? I mean, it was his baby after all.