I wouldn’t stay in Brooklyn unless you want to spend the majority of your time there or are fine taking spending a ton of time on public transit/in ubers. You might want to look into hotels in lower Manhattan where you can zip uptown and over to Brooklyn quickly.

Some things we’ve done recently and loved: take the ferry out to governors island and rent bikes. Explore the island and have a picnic. Often there are events out there on the weekend like concerts or markets. Views of the city and Statue of Liberty. There’s also a spa out there which might be good for honeymoon vibes. I think there’s even a bbq place out there?

Go get a drink at Overstory. Great views of the city, really great (but $$$) cocktails.

Not sure if it’s your vibe but nyc has great Korean bbq. Jongro is a favorite in Ktown. Cote for something that feels special. Steakhouses are also an nyc classic. Keen’s for old school NYC vibes. Le Relais de Venise for steak frites.

Arielle posting more wedding content when we all know the debt subplot now. “Three cakes because why not?” Because debt bebegirl, because debt.

lol at Rachel posting an “ad break”….in the middle of one long ass Virgin Atlantic ad. A break from what babes?

The old navy reel is so blah. Like girl make an attempt to at least style the clothes a bit or like … idk… put on a bra at least to try them on? That first shirt is so 00s Lane Bryant style.

I know some folks in this sub really like Noelle’s interior design but what’s with the piles of logs in her apartment? Girl, you live in Greenpoint… with an ELECTRIC fireplace!

I found that post so cringey. Her husband looks so uncomfortable and their “dancing” is just rocking back and forth.

Not to mention the complaining and mean faces about all the people downtown. Like…girl… you’re part of the problem you’re mad about!

One thing I’ll caution is to stay away from beds marketed toward heavier people. I’ve personally found them way too firm, especially for side sleepers. I’ve tried several and they’re all too firm. Right now I’m considering the Leesa Sapira as a softer choice.

My mom is super tricky to buy for. She's the type of person who will mostly just buy the things she wants when she wants them instead of asking for them. She's not into cooking, crafts, home stuff, jewelry, fashion. She does like to travel and read (but only physical books!). Some gifts I've gotten her in the past that she's liked: Roku, Tile, Amazon echo, a Netflix subscription -- but I'm running out of ideas! Any thoughts?

Ubox QuestionsCustomer Help

I'm sorry if these are exceedingly basic questions, but I have a few questions about ubox that aren't answered on the site and I can't get anyone over chat or phone support. I know it's a super busy time for all of you, so thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I'm doing a cross town move that requires us to be out of our home 8/29 but we can't move into the new home until 9/7. Ubox seems like the best option, but could someone explain to me where my Ubox goes while we wait and how we coordinate drop off? On the online reservation it gives me options to set the drop off and pick up days at our old house, but makes no mention of drop off of the container at our new house. Second, are narrow city streets ok for the truck to manuever on? UPS and Fedex trucks fit up the street just fine, but I'm picturing the box arriving on a giant flatbed, which could be tricky. Thank you!

Watching back season 4...so many subtle nods to Mike's addiction[Discussion]

Just finishing up episode 11 and all the roomies are like "he's got to change, or leave" and "how many wake up calls does he need?" They are basically subtly talking about Mike's addiction. At one point Pauly says, "why do you think he's acting like this? it's because he's out of whatever it is that makes him happy." Basically, he was out of pills and thus acting like an asshole. Anything you've noticed watching the seasons back knowing what you know now?


Ooooo a world naming contest...I'll have to start thinking hard about this...

Loving this podcast! The chemistry between you two is great!

All the dress woes...anyone out there have success with a resolution from David's Bridal?Dress/Attire

I previously posted my dress when I found it in March at David's Bridal (it's in my post history if you're curious) and when it came in in July it was the wrong color. It was supposed to be blush but came in as bright white. (Aside: I don't know who at DB thought it was a good idea to name blush "ivory stone" and white "ivory.) Basically the consultant placed the order for the wrong color. We brought it back to DB as soon as we noticed and the consultant who helped us said she had never even seen the dress in the white color. Unfortunately, since I require extra length as I am a super tall human, there was no way they could get my dress, let alone any dress in the correct color in time for my wedding. At the time I decided to let it be because even though it wasn't the right color, it was still the right dress and I still felt beautiful wearing it.

Flash forward to last Friday and I brought it for my first fitting. The seamstress discovered it was 2 inches longer on one side than the other and both underlayers need to be hemmed in order to accommodate the issue and my total alterations would cost $365. My seamstress was very mad on my behalf (for any Boston brides out there it's Anaheit who does all alterations from VOWS) and told me I should contact the company. So I did, I wrote out the entire saga of the wrong color and the defects, provided side-by-side pictures of the dress I tried on and the dress I received, provided pictures of the length defects, provided a receipt for the alterations required. I asked David's Bridal to please try to make this right by at least paying for the cost to correct the issue. In addition to my nearly $800 dress, I also purchased a veil of nearly equal price from them that I am not looking to recoup. So far I've been getting emails from various DB customer service members who keep asking me to send them the same info I already sent them; no one seems to be communicating. Last e-mail I received they told me that the receipt I gave them was not itemized so they could not offer a resolution and could I go back to the seamstress and get an itemized one? I nearly blew my gasket. I don't have a car so in order for me to get to the seamstress I literally have to rent one.

Feeling pretty bummed out about everything and not sure where to go from here. Anyone out there have success with a resolution from DB?

10/19/19 Boston, MA

I want to offer a different opinion. You don't need to lose weight. As someone who planned her wedding 2+ years away in hopes that I'd lose the weight before the big day, I would love to save you a whole bunch of heartache and anxiety. I did not lose any weight, despite all my trying, in fact I gained weight. And you know what, it's going to be ok. I love my dress, I love how I look in it. I loved my engagement photos and how happy I look in those. And seeing that trend, I know I'm going to love my wedding photos. Invest in a photographer you trust, and let the rest be what it is. It's about how you feel, and on your wedding day you're going to feel incredible and that's going to radiate across your face and into your photos. I'm telling you this as someone who is a size 22. It's going to be ok.

What I would recommend is finding some type of physical activity that makes you feel good and strong. Physical activity helps with stress, makes you feel stronger, makes you confident in what your body can do.

Struggling with IE today

I'm really struggling today. I've been doing IE with the help of a IE-friendly dietician whom I see every other week. It's been about 3 months since I started. I've had ups and downs, but I've been kind of amazed that over the last 3 months of eating what I want, I haven't gained any weight. Now, all of a sudden in the last week I'm up 8 pounds, making me heavier than I've ever been. I feel all sorts of anxious about how to continue with intuitive eating when the future feels like, if I keep gaining weight, I'll be extremely limited in what I can do in life because of my larger body. I see my dietician on Friday, but right now I feel so freaking crappy, especially since I haven't been doing anything exceptionally different. If anything, I should be *losing* weight because I just started medication for hypothyroidism and the side effects are supposed to be weight loss. I keep trying to tell myself that weight is just a number, but when you're my size, it's hard to think that way. All of a sudden I feel the urge to slip back into dieting and try again. Any advice out there?

10/19/19 Boston, MA

YES exactly, committing to one "look" keeps me from taking the plunge

Anyone else feel frozen with indecision about decorations? How'd you get past it?Decor/DIY

On my to do list for the past 3 months has been figure out decorations. I'm a creative person, so I thought I'd enjoy this part but I mostly feel frozen with indecision about picking a direction for centerpieces, ceremony decor, signs, etc. How'd you narrow it down? Pinterest is definitely not helping...

David's Bridal brides, did you get your alterations done at DB or somewhere else?Dress/Attire

I'm picking my dress up today and I LOVE my dress but my DB has been a hot mess from the start. Every time I go in something ridiculous transpires. Should I take my dress and run to a trusted seamstress? Or stick with DB? I'm only considering the latter because DB seamstresses know the dresses really well.

Did anyone put out blankets for their outdoor ceremony? Did guests use them?Question

This is something we're thinking about doing: a basket of blankets for guests sitting through our (quick) outdoor wedding. BUT while I think it will make for cute photos, I'm wondering if it's actually worth the effort and cost. Did anyone do this? Did they get used?

What a week for wedding woes

Preface to say that none of this is that serious! But these little things can feel big when you're constantly the one making decisions.

First woe: our wedding coordinator stood us up on our first venue and rental visit

We made plans months ago to have our coordinator meet our caterer and venue manager, see the venue space, and then drive us to the rental place to pick out all the chairs, plates, etc. I confirmed with her a few days before. She didn't show up which was (1) super embarassing because it was basically a waste of our caterer's and venue manager's time (2) costly, because I took the day off work to make this meeting happen AND we had to rent a freaking car to get to the rental place since she was supposed to drive us. I called her multiple times during the day, sent her texts. She didn't get back to me until 4 hours after we were supposed to meet. Which leads me to...

Second woe: I had to fire my wedding coordinator

Obviously if it's YOUR JOB to show up and keep everyone on time, and you don't do that the first time we meet, then ya gotta go. Still, I hate upsetting anyone and girl was blowing up my phone for hours once we finally got in touch apologizing, offering deep discounts, etc. I felt bad but, man, a migraine doesn't excuse you from at least contacting me to tell me you're not going to make it!

Third woe: WOW Air went under and now my honeymoon and bachelorette party are cancelled.

This was crappy news to wake up to, and more of a headache than anything. Spent the morning on the phone with the credit card companies to stop payment. We'll regroup on the honeymoon and figure something else out. Not sure what's going to happen with the bachelorette. Now everyone has to figure out their shit and try to get their money back with the airline cancellation and I sort of feel like it's all my fault -- like I caused this headache for a bunch of my friends. So as far as I know, no bach party in the forseeable future.

Fourth woe: just got diagnosed with alopecia

After yoga one day, I came home and my fiance pointed out that I have a quarter-sized bald spot on my head. Deeper searching revealed another couple of spots that are fortunately all easily hidden with strategic hair styling. Dermo said there's not much they can do for me/can't promise I won't have other more prominent spots by my wedding. I have faith that I do have options if all my hair falls out, but man...what a blow to my confidence.

That's it for my wedding woes. Anyone else get screwed by WOW? Any words of encouragement?

Frustrated with treatment from doctor -- lab tests and possible hypoLabs/Advice

Hello, today I went to see my PCP about the following lab results:

TSH: 5.99

Free T4: 0.70

Annnnndddd...my doctor doesn't want to treat me, seems to think it's a fluke and that we should watch and wait.

The reason I even got these tests was because I've been losing my hair; like full on bald spots (I'm a 30 year old female). I saw a dermotologist who said it could be alopecia but it could also be caused by thyroid especially since I have a family history of hypo (my dad, grandma, aunts on both sides of the family all hypo, my mom had thyroid cancer). In addition I've had some more non-specific symptoms like weight gain, feeling tired, low libido, etc.

My jaw dropped to the floor when I saw my test results. I honestly wasn't expecting that; even though I have a family history, it just never really dawned on me that I could also be hypo. When I brought it up with my PCP today she said it was "a little elevated" but my T4 was "normal" so no need to do anything. I asked her about the hair loss and other symptoms and she said she didn't think my levels are high enough to cause any symptoms. Am I crazy?! Did anyone else have symptoms at my levels? And if they think I "might go on to develop hypo" why are they waiting to treat my already elevated levels? Any suggestions for how to move forward?

10/19/19 Boston, MA

You're going to do great and feel so good! It was nerve wracking for me, too, but now that it's over I wonder why I put it off for so long--so much stress and negative talk that wasn't helpful.