this is the funniest comment I've seen on reddit in a long time lmao

the past 2 weeks have been unusually good for me yet I started getting moody and emotional out of nowhere I know why 😭

gemini rising here, i tell EVERYONE "i love drama when it doesn't involve me" LMAOO

I got my bf to watch Superstore when we first started dating, and he recently got me to start watching Fallout with him because he said there's an actor in it that I would be very pleasantly surprised to see. That gif was my exact reaction when I saw him, my bf was VERY amused lol

we're so similar! lol i'm a cancer sun, gemini rising and virgo moon, with a virgo sun bf

i'll play terraria with you! i've only played it by myself but i've been wanting to get back into it and try co-op!

I cringe whenever she says that because that is exactly the way I talked with my friends when I was 12 😭

Portal was the first game to give me horrible motion sickness. I loved the game so much though I forced myself to get through it, but had to take breaks throughout

yess thank you!! i've had a guy literally tell me that he was with me because his ex didn't want him. things like that really messed with my confidence and obviously it's my responsibility to fix it, but the whole "if they're with you, they only like/want you" isn't always true.

Lol I've definitely had many shouting matches with the skee ball game

My mom used to teach high school, so she'd tell me about all the shit admin did that other students didn't know about, like how teachers would get into trouble if their students didn't do well. So it always frustrates me when people say "Just let them fail on their own", even though they don't even realize it's the TEACHERS that get punished for that.

I do this too! I even include facial expressions I would normally do if there was another person in the room. Just waiting for the day I don't know someone is home and sees me having a full conversation with the air 😭

I once ate a pencil cause I thought it was chocolate!

i don't understand how people do it. i would never trust my reaction time driving while stoned

My best friend growing up was named Jessica and she turned out to be an absolute sociopath so I agree

the slow silent removal of maya's hand from his leg gets me every time

I discovered the show a couple months ago and it has been on repeat almost 24/7 since then. No other show has comforted me like this one has. I wasn't expecting to cry as much as I laughed either lol. I also felt extremely healed after watching it especially because I sooo heavily related to the everything Maya did

YESSS I was constantly squealing every time they did some weird specific thing that I thought only I did 😭

Honestly I would've loved to have a show like this when I was 12! I was suuuuper cringey and awkward and didn't know how to navigate the weird feelings I had about puberty and growing up, so I feel like if I had seen the show at that age and seen how relatable Maya and Anna's lives were to me, it would've put a lot of things in perspective and shown me that it's normal to have a horribly embarrassing awkward stage 😭