I can't decide if I want to know how you made this photo or not. On the one hand I’m curious, on the other, while I don’t know, it looks like magic..

Saw this photo in TheNightFeeling and also thought about Twin Peaks:)

Had the same thought too:) Thank you

This photo is mesmerizing..

Thank you! Yes I found many interesting books to read and a new quiet place to read something with a cup of a nice coffee.

Oh, that green! And misty light! And darkness...

Silence is golden and seems so pretend
The towering of war machines and men
The falling of lives as we wait in line
We are fading to nothing
Losing the race as they steam ahead
Leaving the trail of the living dead
Moving away
Broken frames push forward then play
Time isn't slowing
Just speed
It's all we're knowing

I assume these bright colors are meant to make this building less gloomy, but somehow it has the opposite effect.

Some of the photo looks almost like painting! Such a nice tonality!

Also looks similar to apricots. Beautiful!

I like this photo. It looks like a dream. And a combination of opposite colors makes it so expressive

This pig looks scary with those red eyes and a mouth that gives the impression of a hellish glow. Although I like it