I always thought vegetable oil was way better for frying that olive (which I used to use for years). I wonder if I was mistaken?

She looks like she had a rough night on the sauce. Probably a realistic interpretation! Great job!

Every line in Hot Rod.

Ah it’s easy after a couple goes! Then fun to customise and bastardise it!


What the heck is low level addiction. I’m an addict in recovery, working with fellow addicts to keep it at bay. Addiction is a disease of the mind, not gut.

Yes it's a big conversation.. interesting. If you remove the craving with the addict still being addict. Wow they just talking about the physical dependency on something rather than the emotional psychological the spiritual


If I was a fiction author, I would to write about juxtapositions with stuff that I’m interested in, not stuff I know wholeheartedly or feel a solid ground in - whats the point in that? Yeah, she’s clearly messed up with her views, but fiction is fiction and pinpointing this stuff onto that is borderline absurd in my humble opinion. Its far more interesting to write about “what if slaves actually liked it” than “here is a history reenactment of slavery but with a fantasy element”.

You don’t need a tutorial, it’s just sliders. Just mess about until it looks the same or how you want it!

Way more than that…

Texture Sharpness Lighting adj Grading Lens Distortion

Would also add a blur before the CR filter to get a more filmic look.

You can do this in Camera Raw filter within Photoshop alone fairly easily.

The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill

Please kindly elaborate how there was no pay off?

Irreversible or Requiem For A Dream. Hands down.

Ditch the cutout on the O. You don’t do it in the P so seems weird. Plus looks kinda goofy.

Man this place is expensive! That comes out at like 30 bucks for a kebab meal…!

Oh Ai will definitely replace a section of our marketplace, and the remaining will be the want for a human, bespoke design. AI will seem like the quick, cheap and easy response. Human will feel more premium. It’s just in the emotive response to stuff that humans feel more when it’s made by another human. That will never die. Just my two hot takes.