Recently upgraded my kettle with the OnlyFire ceramic insert/deflector.

Being able to use the full 22" cooking surface has been amaxing, along with all the ceramic benefits.

Counting paying full retail for the insert, I have $309 into my performer deluxe setup.

If you want to know anything else about it. I have like 50+h on it by now.

Made a brisket video on it last weekend.

I hit one side the voodoo seasoned wings right at the end with a southern style bbq sauce I cut down into a glaze.

The wood. Crumbled down just like I wanted.

If what I think will happen is gonna happen, I'll have a steady burn of pecan, without worrying about a temp swing via wood catching.

It should burn in half, then burn from the bottom up from the fracture points that fall down.

That's awesome to hear. I don't know the last time my smoker was running for more than 12 unless I was churning out a quantity.

My brother has one and loves it. I've seen positive things about it online, granted I'm not seeking out info on it weekly.

Far as current pellets go, it'd be that for sub 1k or the Woodwind pro for literally double the price.

I wouldn't buy one without the chunk tray

It was man, we setup a couple solo stoves for gathering points and for the smores.

It was outdoors in November Texas so the weather was perfect. We ran this string bulb lights all through the trees for the people and had lanterns on the dining tables. All on the land I grew up on.

It was genuinely the best night of my life, that's without including the ego stroke of the food situation.


When people went back for 2nds we had the brisket moved first and had like...I'd say 1.5 butts left over worth and like 15 potatoes?

I was hammered drunk cooking smores with the wife and wedding party by then but I know we had leftovers.

105 people.

4 briskets, 10 butts and 70 potatos (we did a baked potato bar).

My friend runs a catering company so I hired her son and friend to portion out/setup the chaffing trays.

Your hot hold will get you 8 hours especially with them all in the same cooler.

I catered my own wedding with butts and brisket, was burning knuckle hot when we started unwrapping everything after six hours.

Those $10 black and yellow crates from home depot etc are sturdy enough to hold a full load of wood.

Load it up and strap it down in your bed.

I tend to agree.

But I've been in living situations that didn't allow the ideal setup. I'd much rather have this than nothing


I use splits in my kettle but I split the splits into slivers or cut them into pucks.

Saves me money over buying those boxes of chunks at Walmart or wherever. is based out of Seattle and ships. It won't let me see prices on their site though.

Google maps says it's 40 mins from Tacoma in rush hour (I just checked)