Are you Dean Koontz by any chance?

Other than wars against each other, the war against nature is what our animal does best, sadly. We have all experienced this mangling. Your county would and should be very interested in his mutilating a waterway. This would be illegal in many areas and is likely so in yours. Make a phone call and find out. The right public servant stating facts plainly and clearly can be surprisingly persuasive, even to the soveriegn selfish.

Your last sentence sums up the average person's existence in every freakin' country on the planet and it is absolutely maddening. Bullshit should be harnessed as a unifying issue but then they just add more bullshit on top of it and it's all we can do to stay afloat. So the system is working perfectly.

Maybe we can take in prisoners and house them ourselves and get paid that 88k. Double your income, no prison to maintain, make new friend. That is a huge W.

To have him come back would be the most astounding political EFF ALL YOU MOFO'S. Personally I would love it but nothing improves without people believing in reality and the ideals of democracy fearlessly.

Capitalism is gnawing on the bones of democracy. People have to lead the fight politicians ignore. I have 2 acres. If local laws were not ridiculous and restrictive (created shortage) I could have 8 tiny homes with substantial garden space for each. I don't want to be a landlord. I just want "my" land to make life better for people who need a place to live.

I would go low octane but super deep like Shirley Horn.

Youtube. Look for Rita Payes with her mom on guitar playing with WDR big band. Crazy good but not typical jazz guitar necessarily. Amazing arrangements, good vocals and incredible musicianship.

There used to be a punk band with a dude named Chef Boyamihungry. Always liked that.

Saw Danny Kaye as Red Nichols in his biopic. Scene with Louie. A coronet was the only thing my 9 y.o. brain wanted in the universe.

Honest question: Since it's in OH is it pronounced VEE-NICE?

Atlantis when they are having an air flood!

Bongo Fury for best flow, Apostrophe for St. Alphonzo's Pancake Breakfast and Over-nite sensation for best grooves and singing plus Sal Marquez's trumpet solo.

A good bro was ride mechanic. Went into shed with machinery and got like 18 black widow bites bam bam bam. Awful.

We should have basically create blackmail situations on all these guys years ago. Compromise and neutralize to save democracy.

As a former Great America employee why on earth is there not a behind the scenes amusement park tv show? You've got 18 year olds running a lunatic asylum and the amount of sex would make Games of Thrones blush. Every day just the craziest shit went down and ALL my coworkers were total weirdos in the best, most enjoyable way.

"Quantity of Imbibement" Not the best James Bond movie but not the worst.

Give up on the system but do not give up on your self. Meaning and purpose await you in a million different ways. Production and consumption are not why you were born.

We need both! I yearn for the liquor stores I grew up with but swinging in to a drive thru and not having to unglue my ass from my "vacation home" is pretty sweet.

It all goes together. My stomach drops when I see a cop while driving whereas my kid would have no problem passing one!


Yeah, we are having issues with it here.

I live in a county whose roads are literally being pounded to rubble by the non stop trucks. Regulation is one thing, enforcement and obeying laws something different. When horizontal first started in earnest guys were dumping straight into creeks. Good times.

Better than fracking. We have so many injection wells and they are forever.

If I was amphibian I would move right in and have naughty parties.