Rear wheel drive ICE car is not the same thing as a rear wheel drive EV. It's time we disband the notion that a rwd EV will have inferior traction to a fwd EV.

Fwd is only better traction if you've got all the weight in the front and don't have fully computerized traction control. EV's solve both of these problems. Personally I WISH so badly that my EV was rwd. Fwd is just dumb on an ev

People need something more tangible. Can y'all list some organisations that folks can volunteer with? It's a whole lot easier than doing anything like that on ones own

I should have said that I do get that this is awesome. I was just imagining that if everyone did this at every birthday party we'd have no planet left

Well.. That's probably a win for the planet. But the shirt and wig company in OP's post are sure winning the consumerism award for this event

Yes, I DEFINITELY understand that mental health and our economic reality are intertwined

I guess what i'm interested in knowing is what is your reason for holding the belief that it's not viable to start using solar + battery on large scale right now in places like Japan?

Good gOd they are hard to catch tho. Even with my Bluetooth capable CO2 powered self resetting trap

I hear ya, and I don't disagree. People of all different genetic/geographic backgrounds can be racist... and they can be just as much and more racist. But white supremacy is a specific type of racism and it's the most globalized racism.

You sound very convinced that you are right. If you don't mind me asking: what's your main reason for holding that belief?

White people being racist = white supremacy... Which is the dominant/main form of racism globally. Sooooo it's not like other folks can't be racist too, it's just that non-white-supremacist racism isn't causing the vast majority of discrimination harms globally, sooooo... Yah that's why it gets less attention... And you may end up feeling that: "only white people can be racist"

Well... We live in a world that is systemically white supremacist leaning. White people have the most power. Sooooo "reverse racism" just don't/won't/ain't never gonna clap back with the same sting.

Why wouldn't it? Solar is far cheaper. It doesn't make sense to keep burning LNG. It's so much cheaper that even if the LNG plant was free.. It'd still be cheaper to knock it down and build a brand new solar one. Cheaper than the ongoing operational cost

I have two! My hands almost never get cold (I live in Canada and work outside even in winter) And.... I have NO body odor. My baffled partner confirms this. I bought deodorant when I was 13 but after a few years just gave up on using it. There was no point. And to everyone reading this who doubts it. I truly do not.... I'm not just some self unaware hippy that actually smells! I am a virtually scentless human being

Ok hold up .. why isn't this the tagline for the tax the billionaires campaign? "Would you like to never pay taxes again? Let's tax the billionaires and make it so! "

I guess they don't touch their butts with the phone? Maybe they just put their phone away before going digging around back there?

I hadn't thought of that. But IMHO it would be a solution for a lotta folks. Also: are you sure cities don't work like that is really such a hard and fast rule? I mean... It sounds like in Europe they do work like that

This almost happened to my mom on Monday! The door opening plunger handle failed... It was like jammed or something and she was stuck in there for 2 hours! Eventually she smashed the door hard enough with a bucket of frozen juice that it popped the latch receiver off. The worst part is MY COMPANY owns the freezer! And this is my first time hearing about panic buttons. I like the axe idea someone mentioned below. I'll take one down there today. And we are ordering a new door latch.

Well then why the heck don't they move to neighbourhoods closer to their place of work? It's not rocket science

Wow that's pathetic in comparison to what was promised back in 2020

It's funny... I read it about a year back, but I can't find the source now. It sounds about right tho as tow ratings are vastly higher in Europe

Interesting because the tow rating for the Id4 is 4200 lbs in Europe (I think)

You would appreciate street epistemology. This is how to talk to these people