You are getting dangerously close to exposing my favorite pool...

You won't regret it. I was wondering if there was still a bit of snow on the north side.

Did you hike the baldfaces?

Mt Shaw. Between Kearasage North and the Baldfaces. The first entry was in 2020. It was a fun jaunt.

Nice. Guess I have some more to bag then. Thanks!

I was an American tourist a long time ago. My wife and I prepaid for a small car, the smallest you could get. Unfortunately, they said they would bump us up to an obnoxious SUV at no charge. I was ambivalent knowing the roads were not as spacious as we are used to. The entire time I was in the vehicle, I felt we had fulfilled one of the American tourist tropes. All of your advice is spot on with my experience, although most of the time, I did want to park as far as reasonable to our destination to take more in.

My grandmother was born in 1919, she told me growing up in rural Maine they had to eat a horse or two. I didn't ask for details so I've always assumed it was due to necessity. She liked to make pea soup which I've always assumed was poverty food too. My grandfather ate cinnamon toast every morning that I can remember. That smell is nostalgic for me too.

Modern poverty food for me is potatoes, if you find the right field in the potato growing areas (and they're not chip stock) you can eat nothing but potatoes for a month collecting all the accidental drops by the road or fields. Beans and rice also good for saving cash.

Maybe you don't know what it was like before the knuckledraggers.

The Garrett Carrot

It may be a bit expensive for just finding nails, but metal detecting is fun and I've found a bunch of uses for this beyond the hobby.

I hope it does not. It attracted nothing but problems to Fryeburg. You could be an exception to the people that used it regularly but it is a large source of detritus and sound pollution to the river. Human feces, dog feces, alcohol and drugs. The Saco was a great place to bring kids to swim in clean water. The last time I brought my toddler to the resident only beach it was swamped with people smoking pot letting their dogs run unleased getting into our stuff, music so loud as to be obnoxious. Don't get me wrong, I am no nimby. But respect isn't to be found by normal summer campers on the river.

I can't tell if you are sincerely asking or if this a "look at my kickass bench" flex. I am jealous anyway.

As you are probably finding out, trailers involve more work ($) due to the membrane underneath having to be opened, insulation removed, and all while you crawling on a cement pad or dirt. It's tedious and awful. Then once you've fixed it reinstall the insulation and membrane.

We have run new PEX inside a trailer attached to the interior walls up high or down low then they were trimmed out as a solution.

I've wondered a few times if my state rep is subsidized by someone(s).

This looks like a scheduling error. If Im asked to rough in for a job that looks like this I know clowns are running the show.

This is very good advice. The money it takes to learn a trade through a classroom setting is a drop in the bucket compared to traditional college. It is even cheaper if you start immediately with a company as a helper/apprentice. You may not stick with a trade but having a way to pivot your income stream later on can be invaluable.

I've been using veto for almost 10 years. Tech XL is a solid bag for a lot of tools. I think they still have a five year warranty.

Pictures of the water heater and surrounding piping would help here. Off the cuff, it may be the water main is very close to your water heater and both of these lines are clear. Whatever happens to your main after the water heater is probably isolated by a valve.

Thanks for giving me a rabbit hole to go down...