I find out there are very few song related to hacking which hackers can't vibe the night work so I started to work for the song, it's been 2 month now it is in the ending point. TRUST ME IT GONNA WORTH. Hope you guys show support.


I find out there are very few song related to hacking which hackers can't vibe the night work so I started to work for the song, it's been 2 month now it is in the ending point. TRUST ME IT GONNA WORTH. Hope you guys show support.


I find out there are very few song related to hacking which hackers can't vibe the night work so I started to work for the song, it's been 2 month now it is in the ending point. TRUST ME IT GONNA WORTH. Hope you guys show support.

Whatever I play chess, and other stuff that exercise my brain also reading books is hobby but I don't want this curse wtf is this. It's making me so hard to live.

Um sapana ma ni yaad auxa tesko bare Ani maile najani Pani testing hunxa

That's not working. I tried it.

No there is nothing like that. That's why I can't understand

It's like breathing manually means If you notice now you are breathing automatically but I have to breath continuously everytime. Don't know what is happening with me.

Oh thanks. I need to USB wireless adapter. Can you suggest me some better one last 3 I purchased get heated instantly.

I had wireless network but it is showing Ethernet how to troubleshoot this.

I am on working on laptop. Any other suggestions you got?

We can become one I just said that. I have research many stuff. I just need a team to get more knowledge. People are struggling with money even do they watch videos and learn from YouTube one more problem is certificate I know some platform which provides free certification for lower level like junior analyst. We can some online small jobs and learn to buy a higher level course I don't need your money I just need a team where we learn as a team helping each other with out knowledge

You mean that without membership I cannot take books to home? Or also to read the book in the library I will need permit of membership

There's a video related this on hackerloiyang channel