Thank you for highlighting all this. Even though it does get talked about, I really don't think people understand the magnitude of Russian interference and just how deep the ties go with the GOP and how much they're in bed together.

Yep, and precisely why some of the most dramatic looking crashes where the car is tumbling, spinning, and shedding pieces over a period of time like Kubica at Montreal in '07 are often the ones where the driver walks away relatively unscathed, but then you have incidents like the one that killed Dale Earnhardt Sr that look relatively tame by comparison, except all (well, some, enough at least) that energy went into fracturing the base of his skull.

Imagine if we had to listen to the White Sox's John "we ain't taking that!" Schriffen every game. Ugh.

:mil: Milwaukee Brewers

I think we all lose, if we have to listen to it at least.

:mil: Milwaukee Brewers

Yep, had a teammate once who wouldn't back down to anyone, and would back up everyone and anyone on his team. But it quickly gets tiresome, when they perceive a slight that wasn't there to begin with, or escalate shit higher than the situation warranted, and after awhile everyone is just kinda rolling their eyes and thinking "not this shit again..."

Yep, very much so. I also wonder if he was born blind, or maybe lost his sight later in life? If he lost his sight later in life, I wonder if this acts as a way for him to better visualize the way the game is going?

And either way, I feel like this kinda method might better convey things like the flow of the game and things like that. Like it's one thing to keep hearing that one side is attacking, but maybe it's another thing to track the actual ball movements, maybe allowing for better visualization/mental image of how one side is pushing, or how the pace of the game is developing, etc.

Just seems kinda silly to me that some are seemingly so quick to ask "have they tried listening to the game?", and seemingly being sorta dismissive of this. Like I said in my previous post, if it works for them, I'm certainly not gonna question it, and I find it kinda weird anyone else would.

Hey, so totally unrelated to the topic at hand, but anyone else having trouble with the "other discussions" link never working in reddit anymore. For what it's worth, I'm mostly using old.reddit on my phone (both chrome and edge in desktop mode), but also have the same problem with old.reddit on chrome/edge/etc on Windows desktops. In all such cases, it just basically reloads the current page instead of bringing up a page that shows where else it's been linked to on reddit I was gonna see if it was being discussed on the baseball subreddit, since I saw it said (1) other discussion, but I've also been encountering this problem for probably at least the past week or so.

This is the link it gives:

But clicking on either the "other discussions" tab in the page, or using that actual link results in just showing the comments page here.

Hah, yeah, that's great, because like my parents will purposely sometimes tell him the truth if I'm being reaaaally ridiculous, or if it happens to make them laugh and they can't keep a straight face, just so that they seem more trustworthy when they get in on the act with other things.

It started when my older nephew was younger, and now I've continued on my tradition of just making up the most random stories but telling them with a complete poker face, to the point my nephew often has to ask me if I'm joking. Usually that'll happen when I tell him something true, but kinda crazy/whacky or something.

But awhile ago I once convinced him his older brother once went missing when a beardasaurus was walking down the street and his brother accidentally got tangled up in the beard and got dragged all across town until it was time for the beardasaurus to shed its beard. The older brother even joined in and said he lived off snacks that got collected in the beard and had to wring water out of the beard to drink. That was probably my best bit so far I've gotten with him in terms of ridiculousness, and I think I've taught my older nephew well too.

Now imagine you've never seen a television/video screen, and someone pulled out their smart phone, and played the video of that trick!

Boom Layers and layers man. First you think it's just the prestige, but oh no, I went all inception on your ass with Nolan movies.

I mean, even if he can hear the radio or TV, this is still a cool and tactile way to experience the game using the senses he does have available to him. I could imagine this way seems a bit more visceral, and a bit more "action" than just listening to announcers, not to mention its a very direct and intimate (and no I don't mean in a "midget whispering the game in his ears" kinda way...) way for two friends to really experience the game together. If they enjoy it, I'm not about to second guess it.

I love the way he just kinda swipes/throws their hands through the goal, almost like a "fuuuckkk yeaaaah!"

:mil: Milwaukee Brewers

And it wasn't even like a borderline case either, yet dude tried to play it off as a clean play as if Contreras was just being a bitch. I mean yeah, he pulled up at the last minute and wasn't trying to kill Contreras or anything, but still pretty fucking shitty and stupid baserunning. And the whole deal with the catcher setting up there is to prevent collisions in the first place, so he was doing everything right, so it's pretty ridiculous to take that path into colliding with him, especially when you could have at the very least tried sneaking in on the far side of the plate. (I know, unlikely to make that work, but still better than nothing).

:mil: Milwaukee Brewers

I know, right? Sounded like he wished he was right there in it. And why did it seem like he absolutely fucking loves to say "barking"?

But also...

We ain't taking that! We ain't taking that!

Spoiler: Yeah... they took it.

When I was really little, my aunt cut my ear a little bit. Didn't cut any of it off or anything, or at least I don't think she did. But apparently they were so worried about the meltdown little me would have had if I found out, so they just tried to play it off like nothing happened. I never even noticed. Which just goes to show how so much of how kids react to a little boo-boo is based on how adults around them act. If they freak out, the kid will freak out, but if you play it cool, unless they're really and actually hurt, they'll be cool about it too.

It's official, my dad and I are no longer allowed to watch when Freddy's on the mound. Every single time when he's on the mound and my dad and I are watching together, he just doesn't have his good stuff. I really wish I tracked his performance during just those games, because we're constantly joking about it everytime, including leading up to today when my dad asked who was pitching, and when I said it was Peralta, he just goes "oh great, we're in for a long one, aren't we?"

Remember what sunk Hillary? It was just news she was under investigation. Trump is toast as long as we vote

Haven't we learned by now that we can't apply other candidates' experiences to try and predict future Trump experience?

In the run up to the first election, he had countless gaffs, controversies, etc, any individual one of which that would have sunk any other candidate. From mocking a disabled reporter to "grab em by the pussy", everything and anything that would have absolutely sunk another candidate's entire election only ever seemed to help him.

Which goes to your point of if we actually get out and vote he's done for, but I feel this conviction may embolden a few lazy Trump supporters into actually voting. I don't how many didn't vote the last two times, but I've had the unfortunate experience of having to interact with my share of MAGA morons, and some have even admitted they didn't vote the last time around or even both times. Of course, maybe they couldn't legally vote, but I dunno. I guess I'm just worried that too many people are gonna think that's there is no way Trump will win this time around, get complacent, and not vote. But I really, really hope not, because I don't want to just see him lose, I want him to lose so badly it sends a message (that will likely fall on deaf ears, but oh well) to him and his supporters.

Let us also not forget that even if a Russian soldier has never fired their weapon, has never committed a war crime, and has no desire to personally hurt any Ukrainian, they are still helping those who would do so by the very virtue of being there. They represent further resources that Ukraine has to expend in defending itself (as how could they ever tell them apart?), and they'll also be responsible for things like helping to build and man trenches, and other logistics. Unless they're actively sabotaging and disrupting their own side's efforts, there are simply no innocent, let alone good, invaders.

And then of course there's the fact that even today, the vast majority of invaders are still volunteers.

They could, but if they have family in Russia, they would be sentenced to the gulag

This is not true. Ostracized socially, perhaps, but Russia isn't sending entire families to gulags because their son surrendered, refused to fight, or even killed their CO.

Another issue is a sort of psychological one, in that people generally like having windows in their modes of transport. This would be a bit more complicated in a flying wing or blended wing body design. Also, there's the related issue of emergency egress from the aircraft. Sandwiching a bunch of passengers into the interior of the aircraft may make it more difficult to get them out in a hurry, and likely reduces the number of viable exits.

Must be Ukrainian, since they are after all, a very soup centric people.

try linking some articles from an unbiased news source

Let me guess, such acceptable news sources to you are only the ones you agree with and everything is just biased? Because that's how it always is with you people.

NATO takes over Russia, we Will not destroy Russia, but It Will only become better for its people. Its only bad for your oligarchy.

It's kinda funny how many countries fled the USSR/Warsaw Pact and came running to NATO, and how they're much better off as a whole for it....

(Obviously just joining NATO isn't going to rise a country up, but rather the reforms and everything else that came with the desire to join NATO.)

I say tenuously because at this point the US and UK are so messed up with their own internal bullshit that they're not really reliable for something less than a full-scale NATO engagement

The full scale invasion has done more to unify NATO than anything else in the past 50 years, and that's for a country that's not even in NATO.

Indeed, many leaders in the alliance have directly credited Biden for being a key force in the strengthening of ties in the alliance. Yes, Trump and his MAGA idiots would love nothing more than to benefit Putin by disbanding/quitting NATO, but fortunately congress saw to it to make it impossible for a president to unilaterally pull out of NATO precisely in response to Trump's rhetoric.

It wouldn't just take reinvesting in their infrastructure.

They'd need a literal cultural shift as well.

Russia doesn't want to play by anyone else's rules. Might makes right, and Russia is the mightiest. Cooperation and compromise is seen as the most vile of sins, committed only by the weak and powerless.

Remember that there was an actual conversation about Russia joining NATO, but Russia wanted an outsized seat at the table, one that would give them far more power than anyone else.

This is a country that reneged on the Ukrainian grain shipment deal (in which many countries in dire need of said grain are heavily dependent upon), because in their own words "we will starve them and they will be forced to come begging to be our friends again".

Such notions and ideas are simply not compatible with the world we live in, in which real prosperity for the people comes from working with others, not from ruthless subjugation of everyone else at gunpoint and forcing them to do business with you.