Yeah, sometimes I think anxiety is the proper response to a situation. We have that feeling for a reason, it’s not always a neurological malfunction. Now the question becomes what do we do about it; ignoring it and pretending things will be ok is how we got here in the first place.


Friends should be uplifting and provide respite from life’s shittiness, not contribute to your stress. Let them know when they’ve crossed the line and if they don’t change or take you seriously, remove yourself from the situation.

I think there’s a big but subtle difference between bullying and honest joking/ribbing. The ones who mean the jokes can’t handle any about themselves, they get defensive if you call them out and will try to make you look like you’re being dramatic. A real friend will at the very least tone it down out of respect for your feelings. Or outright stop if you ask.


Oh yeah, totally fine says all the people who were affected and even killed as a result of his hateful rhetoric. What about the ones who just sat around saying “this is fine” while watching Jan 6 happen? “Surely it can’t happen here”.

The problem is complacency and dismissal. people are allowed to be afraid, it’s okay. I’m afraid too. But I keep my eyes on what I can control: shut off the news, talk to those close to you about it.

Yeah, I think in this case it really takes one (Ni dom) to recognize one. Ni is about navigating life by seeing behind the veil instead of focusing on the veil itself, and this process doesn’t always manifest in observable ways. you’d have to be able to explain why a character/person‘s actions are a product of Ni, which can be hard to do if you can’t read their thoughts like you could in a book. And even if you could, it’s still an unconscious process so the answers may not all be there.

I think a good clue about whether someone is an Ni user is if they have strong pattern-recognition abilities, and have hunches they can’t explain but turn out to be right. Also visualizing possibilities from many angles, taking as much as possible into account, but instead of catastrophizing, using that process to come to a realistic conclusion about what action to take. But to outsiders it all just looks like luck and fantasizing.

People who hurt animals, children, and anyone who can’t defend themselves.

Sometimes I think humans aren’t really a singlular species. Sure we all look the same on the outside (a head, body, arms, legs etc), but when the true differences are put side-by-side, I can’t say that we are the same. I consider narcissists and abusers a sub-species; we are not the same. And it’s hard for me to go through life knowing there’s not a thing I can do to make people realize this because we’re all so easily fooled by appearances. Until something affects them, it doesn’t exist.

Yep. People have forgotten the meaning of today. And no it’s not fireworks and beer

Don’t pressure him in any way but set up an experience to allow for things to happen naturally (ie Netflix and chill). Show enthusiasm at the idea so he doesn’t miss any signals


Electoral college is a racist, illogical system that should have been removed a long time ago

Edit: typo

Hard to say without knowing specifically what you liked about it. But here are some moody/vibey shows and films

Movies: Donnie Darko, Blue Velvet, Drive (2011), Mulholland Drive, Get Out, Saint Maude, Annihilation

Shows: Mr. Robot, Twin Peaks, X-Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Maniac, True Detective S1

Yeah I see this a lot. There’s no way someone could be naturally nice/kind, there HAS to be a selfish reason for it according to them.

I think a lot of that is projection, people assuming we’re just like them on the inside, thinking that we think we’re better than them, or maybe they actually feel that we are better when it comes to our approach with people (whether it’s true or not) and it all triggers them.


I cry every time I watch these, which for me doesn’t come easily with romantic films. It’s a crime no one has mentioned some of them:

• The Before Trilogy (Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight)

• Portrait of a Lady on Fire

• Lost in Translation

• Her

• Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Yeah my performance took a hit, but it’s weird because it was running fine for a while, 60 fps no matter where I was or how many players on screen. I come back today and I’m stuck around 20-30fps, didn’t change anything. This happened yesterday too, can’t figure it out.

I have a 10700, 2080ti, 32gb DDR4. not the greatest but should be more than enough

Edit: seems to have resolved after deleting Dragon Center. Should have done this a long time ago anyway


I struggle with this too, happens when I let my mind wander too much. Usually when I notice it I just think or say to myself “STOP” and try to shift focus to literally anything else. I do it as many times as it takes. Don’t let yourself go down the mental rabbit hole, i just see it as a bad habit that needs correcting.

Yesterday I actually caught myself ruminating and said “it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter…” until I stopped thinking about it. It actually helped

I wouldn’t say repulsed, but my ideologies and worldview have changed a lot since I got my degree in advertising.

Originally I thought it would be a good balance of practicality and creativity which is why I chose it. Though im proud to have a degree im not exactly proud of it being in advertising, but such is life

Apparently some are against being “tricksters”, if you believe the Arecibo Crop circle is genuine. “We oppose deception” must be referring to this

It’s only fun if you’re being obviously playful or not directly against someone. when it’s used with vitriol it’s just petty and annoying

Agreed. I think dreams are a clue as to the true nature of reality, because it shows we can have vivid experiences without the use of sensory organs

Go anyway, better than dragging someone who doesn’t really want to be there. Trust me it’s a vibe kill. People go for a good time and music, no one will care that you’re there alone but you may regret missing out

If this were a guy people would be horrified

The bear/human mutant from Annihilation was really disturbing. And the Newborn from Alien Resurrection. The Janitor from Silent Hill and most of the creatures from the games.

Basically the ones that have human qualities but are obviously suffering as a result really get under my skin


In friendships/relationships each side is 100% responsible for their 50%. You don’t have to carry the part that they are responsible for, and the people who expect you to do it for them are the ones who need to be weeded out, even more so if you respectfully communicated the issue and they still took offense.

Match the effort they give you and if you never hear from them, they don’t deserve to hear from you either. Also remember that feelings come and go but reactions are 100% within your control

Love the visual but definitely ready for something more chilled out now

I actually keep my headphones under my desk with one of the double-sided 3M mounts from Amazon and wrap the cable on the other side of the mount. For the amp they sell different mounts like this that you can use with screws and I’ve seen others that just use the 3M sticky pads too, but those seem less reliable