First line. If barbs win they sack at least one city, orange has the only city to sack. Orange loses city. Its simple. 

If the barbs win they sack a city, your boy orange both lost and had the only eligible city. He loses his city. It’s all in the first line, barbs win they get at least one city if there is one available. 

Bro you are 100% ignoring the first and most important aspect. If the barbs win they sack a city. The one and only exception is if there are no eligible cities to attack. It’s literally the first sentence of the rule. 

It happens relatively frequently on all the online platforms and they all treat it the same.


I am 100% sure orange loses a city. Orange would need 3 active knights to beat the barbs.

Edit: rule is clear as day IMHO. 

This happens frequently online and orange loses a city. Of players who CAN lose a city, orange is lowest. In this situation orange would need 3 active knights to save their city.

Most of the AR issues are archived free here:

But for me personally, I would read through the Arts and Architecture issues from the late 40’s through 50’s, that will give a newbie more of a sense of what MCM really looked like at the time.

I’d say anyway you can use it would be good.

Just tagging on this great conversation. Eero designed the GM technical center, and I agree that looks like an inventory tag.


See discussion above. There were at least SOME aluminum base chairs made. These have GM inventory tags and Eero famously designed the GM technical center.


Any more that’s about a dozen trips to Canes.

Thanks. Im sorry im not much help with this one, you might want to try the "mid century modern lamps and lighting" group on FB a lot of knowledge of lamps in there.

- there are tons of resources here including rentable books, I also post some rare catalogs and material there as well:

"The MCM Files" FB group:

I could actually make a whole list of really good brand or topic specific FB groups if you are interested.

My imgur also has a lot of stuff on it 

That is Ben Ginsberg's site, Ben has shared a lot of catalogs and advertisements in various FB groups and he runs the AofM facebook group.

Atomic ranch is good for gaining a sense of the overall aesthetic, it is a pretty terrible source as far as actually learning about who made what and who designed what because they almost always just go with whatever the interior designer/homeowner say their stuff is and often they are wrong. It has happened at least a dozen times just with Milo Baughman stuff.


Unless it has been rewired it is not old. its not really very MCM even if it is old.


Again as a mod I am going to point out that this person commenting does not contribute regularly to the group, and is flat out providing you with incorrect information. These are most certainly MCM.


As a new mod to this group, I am going to request you not listen to this person I have never seen post or comment to this group.


Ok in my first official act as a new moderator in this group I am going to clear up somethings being said here.

First, these are absolutely mid century modern, I am actually confused why some people are saying they are not. Its at the tail end of what I would consider MCM but it was certainly made in the Mid century and considered modern at the time.

These were by Laurel Lamp Company. People saying this price is too high, I would like to see where they are getting MCM laurel lamps for a lot less in an antique shop. Now don't get me wrong I have had a half dozen laurel lamps and never paid that much, but I have sold a few Laurel lamps in that range, and one I sold for $300 by itself (on etsy). Overall I think $300 is fair even without the shades. FWIW in my experience 60 year old shades are all on their very last leg anyway, even if they look perfect they are one bump away from crumbling.

Restoration hardware has knocked off some Laurel lamps but I do not believe they did this one.

These were likely designed by Richard Barr as he was the primary designer for Laurel during the 60's.

Restoration Hardware made some knockoff Laurel lamps a while ago, but I don’t think this is one of them.

Little known fact Circuit City is still with us in the form of its former subsidiary, CarMax