What the fuck is wrong with you?

Dear Biden, stop running. Dear Trump, stop running.

Wow, that was so easy, did I just solve world peace?

This is a quote that has really stuck with me for the last 4 decades.

I think a lot of the political class is / was trying to give him a couple days to try in exchange for a graceful, some may say, magnanimous exit. This interview was really his last chance, and well… Thanks for the last 4 years, but he needs to remember that this election is for the next four years.

Of course, those of us talking about it on Reddit are going to vote regardless, but this is not going well. It’s going to be a wild month ahead of us to quickly find a strong, coalescent candidate, but the other side of the spectrum is not acceptable.

:chi-1: Bulls

So you want teams to collude with other teams, against each team’s own best interest… for one of those teams to get a better deal at the deadline… when some of those same teams will just have to bid against each other again… not sure this has been fully thought through.

CW18 | Sweetness

I had to pull up the 2nd alternate just now and do a side by side to really check because it’s so close, but yeah, I see that, too.

CW18 | Sweetness


I think that’s why the commenter said year instead of years.

To be fair,e even if he’s wavering, he could absolutely not let that show in the interview if the interview was going to be his last hurrah.


The guy you responded to said he would still vote for Biden, though. Maybe that’s what led to my confusion.

Edit to add, in case you haven’t already started replying: do not blame this election on the everyday citizens engaged in meaningful political dialogue and expressing their concerns. This is on the candidate.

I don’t disagree on the issues with being from California (my comment history will attest lol). Whitmer is my choice. But don’t let H. Clinton deceive you into thinking every woman is unelectable (she was a bad candidate a product of the dem machine). Whitmer just won Michigan is a landslide (relative to modern politics in purple states), and that same appeal would be pervasive.

That’s ridiculous if you think infighting for the best approach to defeat Trump means those same people are going to the polls and voting for Trump if they don’t get their way.

Network scheduling. They have committed to releasing the full transcript, however.

Whitmer or Newsom would wide the floor with Trump. They actually appeal to much of the moderate and independents.

Fair! I’ve never attempted a cracking, my clumsy self could absolutely destroy a card or two before getting it right.

Don’t we know what would happen… read the manga. They just need to follow the manga… you know, like they do.

CW18 | Sweetness

Looks great, indistinguishable from “official.”

Right on. It wasn’t something that you sent in for grading :) I’ve seen too many people send something in, not be happy with the grade, crack it and get worse lol. But I’m with you 🤘

But why?! If PC, why not keep it in? If selling, does raw really go for more than a 9?


Oh I would love that! I didn’t explore anything with it, I just assumed… but you know what they say about assumptions. Let’s hope someone else has more exciting news for us 🫰


Also got it, assumed it was just another insert.

Yeah… $20. I could literally buy this card on eBay for $20 right now with buy it now.