It does when modern hookup culture is more common than actual dating

Nah, now boys grow up with porn before they ever connect with girls

I think it significantly reduces their desire for it though.

You can literally see when the smartphone was born on this graph. Unlimited porn in the palm of your hand.

You didn't address the more obvious one. Smartphones and wifi make porn readily and immediately accessible.

I guess technically in high school with BTBAM and Dream Theater, but it wasn't until college when I went full bore with Opeth, Tesseract, and AAL.

I really don't like singles releasing. It's either under or over hyping the album. It's harder to keep track of releases.

Fates warning is an incredibly tiny fanbase band.

If you are talking about the pioneers of prog metal, you may have a case, but doubtful that is the point bc that has been discussed ad nauseum

Most of the obvious bands here have already been mentioned, so I will pose some bands to debate as far as their metalness or progness, but are worth considering.

Deftones Trivium Architects Faith No More In Flames Gojira

Id argue that tool isn't metal and thus you have another open spot, but that's me. Probably gojira.

Also, while BTBAM means a lot to me, this sub, and perhaps the inspiration for modern prog,they are hardly "big". All the other bands here are far bigger.

In a day?! My guy is an absolute iron butt speed demon or riding in the dark.

Agree that interstate is boring but sometimes you gotta to do what you gotta do to cover ground.

Two wheels is not two wheels when it's clearly a wino dui special squid riding a clapped out scooter with no light or exhaust in flip flops

Id add a couple.

  1. Ride within your limits

  2. Work on becoming a better and more aware rider so your limits increase

  3. Replace your tires BEFORE they need replacing.

  4. Don't panic and trust your bike (not your body) when something goes wrong.

Crash course on how to plunge yourself into debt for years. Uber and bus until you save enough to buy a $5k car outright.

If it doesn't seem right that you cant qualify for a used car loan but can qualify for a 37k car, that's bc it isn't. This will perpetuate the debt and lack of credit cycle youre in.

I honestly feel like sedans are going to give him more space. accord, Kia K5

Really depends on what you mean by big. If that means long, sedans don't necessarily change much.

So defensive bro lmao

I listen to plenty of progressive metal, I'm pretty patient

What song do I listen to to convince me Agalloch isn't boring 😭

Another year, another season of the dolphins focusing on position players rather than securing the line that will be crucial to success (not to mention evaluating tua).

But accoding to you, she CAN kill it, as long as there are no other proxies who step up. I feel like you make active concessions for abortion that you don't make for any other situation. Abortion IS killing, you seem to forget.

It's not morally compromising, it's logistically compromising. That has nothing to do with the ethics of the situation. Parents having responsibility for their actions is something we both have accepted.