:flag-nc: North Carolina

There is one of those around the corner from my house in Appalachia. But we definitely don't live in a fucking drug den. Those things are everywhere.

Anything other than water from your AC under the car is not normal.

:flag-nc: North Carolina

I was at the Philly airport on Sunday for fucking long ass layover. I did not hear a single person talk about it, yet everyone was glued to euro finals.

:flag-nc: North Carolina

I have more sympathy for the shooter. Seems like a kid who was failed by our education and mental health systems, or by his parents. The death of someone is an absolute tragedy and I have utmost sympathy for the family. But I bet we’re going to hear about all sorts of warning signs for this kid that could have been addressed.

I live in a small rural county and have tried for literal years to get a somewhat convenient appointment to switch to a real ID. I mean, Henderson might not be that rural but even the Transylvania office in Brevard has no times. With two little kids and a demanding job it’s hard to commit to waiting in line for this shit which should be easy, and is easy in most other states.

:flag-nc: North Carolina

No, this was expected after Thomas questioned the special counsel in his recent decision. Still fucked but she was already going to do it.

2018 XT Touring

Depending on your trim, you can set a code that also unlocks the car using the second button on the rear liftgate. This shows an Outback, but any Subaru with the button on the liftgate works the same. https://youtu.be/h5jdpIO-xm4?si=WWRp9yz1JROYd52F

:flag-nc: North Carolina

A friend of mine has a very heavy stutter, we’ve all of course gotten used to it. But if someone new is with us it can be extremely disconcerting and tempting to correct and speak for him, thinking he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. The dude is smart as fuck, he just has to live life dealing with this. I wish everyone could spend time with people that have various disability and really experience what it’s like for them.

On a private platform? They have an outside conduct policy and if they are aware you’ve broken it your account is gone. They reserve the right to share any and all information with authorities when you use discord.

Lmao it’s hilarious. Hey guys let’s go to the sub for one of the largest gun YouTube channels on the planet! I bet we can find his posts!

Discord sent his accounts to the FBI and said they were mostly unused. “It was rarely utilized, has not been used in months, and we have found no evidence that it was used to plan this incident, promote violence, or discuss his political views,”

Could be others though.

If he was hit by glass it went through the teleprompter which is feet away from his face in the direction of the shooter. The shot was fucking close no matter what.

There is no conspiracy about the glass really. It would just be the bullet going through the teleprompter. Seems to be some conflicting reports if it was the bullet or glass fragment that hit him. Regardless, the shot was missed because he turned.

Teleprompters are made from one way mirrors on the left and right side. That’s the glass.

It felt like that man could burst into tears at any moment. Our education and mental health systems fail these kids. We’ll find there were warning signs of course.

:flag-nc: North Carolina

lol Hakeem Jeffries tweeted his thoughts and prayers. I hope he was chuckling.

The complete fucking failure to secure an obvious roof doesn’t help tamper down the conspiracy. Someone fucked to massively and I hope we get a detailed transparent report to try to get out of this situation as unscathed as possible as a country.

:flag-nc: North Carolina

Eh maybe. But I can’t make fun of anyone who thinks their life is in imminent danger like in this situation. The shooter could just have easily decided to shoot the crowd.

:flag-nc: North Carolina

That’s Ross or Russ. You can hear her continue to yell that later.

I think he is. If you watch the video footage he has his hands both on the podium until he raises up to touch his ear. Could be that he was lifting his hand the instant before and then continues the motion. But, this is definitely a shot of the bullet that hit his ear. If he were not looking left it was going straight through.

It’s is the bullet that struck him. A sequence is posted elsewhere and you can see Trump touch his ear then have blood on his fingers.

Yeah I also just found that spot. Fucking insane. It is the first roof line.

It is tagged as Grassy Knoll in google maps already https://maps.app.goo.gl/U9Q88ane4V1qH1bE6?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy