Turn lemons to lemonade and make it your trademark!

Fire isn't always practical? What kind of fire are we talking about? Have you considered something like a Solo Stove? I have the Titan which is my main go-to. It requires very little wood to operate and burns incredibly efficient with little to no smoke. Seriously, it takes me all of about 2 minutes to gather the required sticks to boil water. If you get a single fire log and process it down to manageable pieces it'll last for HOURS. Wood is a free renewable resource which can be found pretty much anywhere on the planet besides concrete jungles, and you can acquire it when you need it instead of carrying it around on you. Good luck!

Are you somewhat acclimated to such temps? Once you get 100+the shit is pretty miserable. You'll be forced to hunker down for a good half the day during the hottest hours. Drinking water will become a chore to prevent yourself from dehydrating. You'll pour sweat constantly, and might get chafed skin from it. Heat exhaustion/stroke is always right around the corner. Nights will be 70 degrees and you'll freeze your ass off.

You're very experienced outdoors people? I thought it was the more experience you had, the LESS gear you took! j/k I'm no expert myself, so take what I say with a grain of salt. What kind of bears are we talking about? You guys have absolutely nothing to worry about from black bears. They're very timid and will be spooked by you guys. Grizzly? I'd say you're 90%+ safe doing absolutely nothing with regards to 'sanitizing' your site. Your normal grizzly(i.e. not starving to death) is going to see the built up camp, smell the multiple people in it, and is going to nope out of that situation. Bears aren't dumb, and they know that messing with such a place could very easily cost them their lives. Bringing a dog or two? Your chances of a bear encounter just became non-existent.

I give the flavor a 3/10. I'm liking that can design tho. It makes me want to buy it when I see it even knowing that I'm not crazy about the flavor.

Got some money? Get a Thermacell. Best mosquito replant option without covering yourself and your clothes in bug spray.

Should've just owned your white knighting behavior and doubled down. That would've been the correct move. You went and white knighted and then spent a couple comments trying to deny it and play it off like you weren't just simping over the banshee. Sad.

Klean Kanteen 40oz. non insulated with a metal nesting cup would be my recomendation.

Haven't heard from Larry Lawton in a couple years. Something seems off about him here. Hope he's doing okay.

Taco Bell. Then I'm going to shit my pants being led into the death chamber.

Man, I remember the good ol' days when you could get a large sweet tea for a buck! Dips are usually like 25-50 cents a piece, but if you ask for them after getting everything and paying they'll usually hook you up. Good luck out there!

Nobody knows besides the authorities and the person who put it there. I'm guessing the police know a LOT about those couple trash bags. Here is an old and dated Forensic Files episode which deals with trash bags and what they can tell authorities.

That shit looks hot and miserable. Barstow?

When someone literally wishes death on someone who is recovering from a life-altering illness, it gets people bent out of shape. Fuck Devon Larratt.

I'm not a doctor, but I'm 95% sure your forearm is pregnant.