The winged serpent is a motif among Messmer's knights. Their equipment should provide some contexts as to why such a church may have once been built.

Eh, rather than anything Soviet, the AK strikes me as that distinctly 1950s manual of arms and assembly where you start seeing stamped metal parts start circulating in where you sort of have the gun down in the receiver with a big old metal sheet on top to cover it.

While a bit late, the claim seems to be playing extremely loosely with time and association. The palm gun is juxtapositioned next to the introduction of firearms to Japan and their attempts at miniaturization, but doesn't actually say they were invented at said time, just that they were, despite the centuries of separation, the end point of said lines of development.

Even on that, pared down front the claim is questionable and ignores centuries of time and dramatic shifts in Japanese society and policy for a tale of single, continual, Japan-wide series of pistols culminating in the nigiri teppo as presented.

You definitely feel those scadutree fragments, that is for sure. But also that beast claw dude is just nutso aggressive.

At the far end of course, when you are there, its wild being able to tank through the final boss without a shield using endure.

I mean, if you want fun, you can arrange an entire artillery organization from mortar to super heavy guns to anti-aircraft using only things called "M1" and this took until the 1960s to actually fix.

Its wild. Sometimes they get a bit adventurous and start naming multiple things "M2" which fixes nothing.

The fact that there is just an inexplicable flashback level because good lord they had to break up something there tells just how legendarily bad it is.

Probably because it's hard to tell with how the blackflame debuff works with temporarily blocking off health.

The counter balance of course was that medium rolls got better and weight limitations got substantially relaxed compared to DS1 where you were either going light rolls with incredibly tight weight tolerances or going full heavy armor with everything in-between being the worst of both worlds with meh poise and protection combined with all the issues of fat rolling.

155mm Howitzer M1 or 155mm Gun M1?

These are not the same artillery piece and serve two very different roles. Granted, if nothing else "Howitzer" vs "Gun" should give that point away immediately as to what roles they fill.

To be honest, the QF 25 pounder is probably the last piece of artillery to fit the claim of being "humble" and I would honestly peg as perhaps the single most overrated artillery piece of the war. Which is something because most other artillery pieces are generally of the reputation that they effectively did their job as long as they were somewhat modern and by all means the 25 pdr was a good gun.

Its reputation is just that excessive of what it was actually capable of despite being a fairly good artillery piece. If something gets claimed as the "most optimal in most situations" artillery piece, its going to be the 25 pdr.

Humble its proponents ain't.

I really do wonder what on earth could make someone look at Japanese artillery and conclude that they were really good aside from having expectations be unrealistically low dipping into the "haha, Japanese equipment shit"

But at the same time, the Japanese artillery branch was far from what you would call stand out.

have heard it mentioned that Japanese artillery in WW2 was also really good, but I know jack shit about it.

I have heard somewhat the opposite. The guns ranged from modern, competent, but not particularly stand out, to guns that the Japanese had been failing to replacing since WW1, particularly with their 75mm field guns.

This was then paired with a not particularly well developed artillery branch with poor radios and fire control and the result was a not particularly spectacular performance.

Hell, try out using the endure skill. That 45% boost to durability and the poise of Havel is nothing to sniff at when you have proc staggers.

I mean, its simple math of "Hmmm I wonder where person with 250 millionish of GME got the money to purchase 250 millionish of Chewy. What a goddam mystery when person with roughly a certain amount of money keeps making positions that coincide with said amounts of money.

The alternative at this point is that somehow DFV had 500 million extra cash sitting around with no real explanation as to how he acquired said cash other than he is a "super pro special daytrader" as the apes would say.

I mean, its pretty simple, those dangerous conspiracies aren't so spectacularly crazy like flat earthism is. Its not something the average person with no deep knowledge would hear and even possibly think "Well maybe...".

That people even possibly think the earth is flat is one of those crazy yet true factoids. Actually digging into how it works is in reality looking at the deep, deep end of how conspiratorial arguments tend to actually function with the shoddy research methods and broad, wholesale dismissal of any authority, aside from of course when they can twist them to support their case.

I mean, with someone at the helm that *checks notes* thought Bed Bath and Beyond would be a good buy in and that they should continue their share buy back program or what his grand plans for Gamestop back in 2021, that 4 billion is not in good hands.

Imagine getting into a brick and mortar business, but you hate brick and mortar, but you're also mad that an industry largely dealing in digital goods is moving away from physical media.

Left side, where everything comes together. Best with weapons that allow you to get low.

Not to say you won't ever get hit, but many of her attacks whiff, and something like endure or a shield will be more than enough to keep the position without trouble.

The thing about 1930s AFVs is that they were flimsy, poor, and inadequate, but that hadn't yet been realized yet until some of the lead up conflicts revealed how tanks needed more than bare minimum resistance to rifle fire and were undergunned.

No, I found her pretty easy as well, like, there is just a massive blind spot directly on her side that she has a hard time hitting with both the centipede and her polearm that allows for plenty of time to combo into her.

Huh, I've been running with twin sword, 50 vigor, and no dragon crest and found its been mostly 3-4 shots till death aside from some of the really heavy attacks.

With endure I've even been able to trade hits as well.

I actually haven't been using the dragon crest shield at all for the entire dlc. You can definitely get away without it.

I have however been using endure liberally as I'm running twin scimitars.