Oh thank God I wasn't the only one...I thought I was reading something from the askreddit sub, then had to check when things hit the 4 day mark!

My question based on possible names, is who is the Supernatural fan in the household?!

As a woman, and I can 100% say her period is most definitely not an excuse for this behavior. Nope nope nope

Came here to say this! It's all in the eyes.

Ok so I commented earlier with my input before reading all the comments and your responses. I am a female living in a situation where I have chosen to regard the fact that this man I'm with doesn't affect my happiness (but does deeply), and I'm working really hard to get to the point where I can be happy on my own without his happiness affecting mine. It's easier said than done, and takes a level of emotional maturity I hope to reach very very soon. You have an amazing point, one that takes getting over a lot of hurt to see clearly, and I for one want to thank you for pointing it out. I've been telling co-workers for years " you can't control how others react, only how you react to them" only to react differently in my own life. This guy actually has good advice, as hard as it is to follow 👆

It's true, men aren't always the ones just walking through marriages. But it really stands out to those ladies whose men are. And for the women who experience being the ones to do all the work, raising kids, sometimes not even their's, making more money, doing all the cleaning (when it gets done), all the school responsibility for said kids, all the emotional support at home with no reciprocation, all the holiday and birthday shopping and prep, the cooking when not eating out because ya girl be tired of feeding ya'll who can't agree to a meal, all the bills being looked after. All while telling their men they need some freaking help around here, but for numerous reasons, they just can't, or wont, like not getting blown enough, you don't wear thigh highs, you don't swallow, or no reason at all... they're just tired from their mediocre job, while emotionally supporting any other female, or male they come across? Yea sorry this post wins it. It may take two, but that goes for how much the second party is willing to put in in the first place, man or woman.

Huge kudos for your work in the relationship. Did you two have kids?

I see your take on this phrase for sure. And I completely see where you're coming from. It does go both ways. I happen to be a female with a male who has felt this deeply, so I tend to go with the walkaway wife stance. But I agree wholeheartedly with the below comment "happy spouse happy house comment"

If you don't mind me asking, why had the bedroom died?

This right here! You can literally give them the answers, tell them what you need, and then...the SHOCK and anger when you didn't do just that and have the nerve to gasp be dissapointed. Yet you've been trying to tell them the (in reality) pretty small things you've needed the whole time, no mind reading required!

Thank you for this. I've been the "walkaway wife" for years. Never married, but stayed for the kids. Takes some really serious and crazy shit to get him to see even the smallest gestures are needed. Even then only lasts a couple of months. Makes me feel insane. I've raised his kid for 17 years, and have 3 years left before our's is an adult. I'm sure it will still be a complete shock, and me being the asshole when I up and leave then. But honestly I've been leaving for years, all while being the bad guy, the nagger, the bitch. I tried to move on quickly and went back every time. I can't wait to just move on with me, I don't think I ever want to do this again.

You're lucky. Wish it was like this for everyone!

When my man WANTS me, like can't help it has to have me, touch me, kiss me, when I can see he needs me. Unfortunately it's more...well I could go either way, do you want it?

Figure out your rent and deal, or break it off. Think about what you're willing to deal with now before you're in it for the long haul. Good luck.

With those eyes...you can't go wrong. With that said, keep and grow out just a bit.

Ummm....they don't find love, they find hookups. And even if they did, don't be...they can have "found love" while straight, not want to lose it, yet still regularly be utilizing apps like grindr to find what they really want. Straight is not always straight, and "love" isn't always love. Chances are, what you think straight people finding love is, turns out to be people living the life society thinks they should, all while wishing for, and generally seeking out all the kinky shit they're not getting at home. Honestly you're better off just enjoying any organic encounters you may have, and if you're lucky, you'll find as close to real love as you can along the way. Straight or otherwise really doesn't matter when it comes to timing and the right person. You can't rush it, you might spend over half your life thinking you found it to one day realize you didn't. Either way it really isn't a matter of preference gender wise, it's not easier for any one over the other. It's easy to see love shown outwardly when you may not always see the deep dark caverns of the real story inside their walls. Live and enjoy your life, don't rush to find love, or any realationship really. Learn to love yourself first. Love doesn't always last, and really are you that desperate to find out how it feels when it's gone? Do you want to spend months of work remembering who you are without them if it ends? Honestly the best things happen when you're not looking for or expecting them. Fuck the apps and social media.

Or she's like me and will live in a relationship with this guy for 16 years, have kids together, build everything around that, think he can't get "into it" because of her changing body, before finding dozens of TS match convos and finding out he's been hooking up with random guys for years. Not gonna lie, it was a shock, I was shook. But trying to be supportive of his struggle with preferences. Just want him to be happy. Just sayin...there's a good chance she doesn't know.

Resentment is the operative word here. Kills everything in any relationship marriage or not. This assessment 100%

What level are you? I have a level 45 Vampire's Explosive 25% less V.A.T.S.