I don’t mean this disrespectfully but if I didn’t know you id assume you worked there. Or for the catering company in this outfit. If you were south Asian id assume you were a guest

Plenty of opportunity at the playground to make dad friends

As someone whose family owns one of the brownstones. They do use the subway. But absolutely no one is worried about whatever he’s complaining about there.

The only thing kids would call cringe is this post. Go yell at clouds boomer

Banning porn really wasn’t a surprising part of it. Throwing people who make porn in jail. That surprised me.

At least they didn’t arrest the lady selling fruit. Also illegal in time sq

You top, you bottom, that’s not for me to have an opinion on. Either way

Pants don’t make you gay. That’s when you are into an other man’s penis. If you can’t pull them off that’s on you

August and September are when most leases in nyc turn over. If you’re looking for sept 1 be ready to commit come aug 1.

He did put his tray back. Which is America these days counts as being respectful.

Ebt is a federal program. If it were up to New York they’d let everyone use it anywhere. Southern republicans have been putting restrictions on it for as long as it’s been in existence. I’m sure I’ll get downvotes but I’m just all for making sure people don’t go hungry. Kid, elderly, migrant, white middle aged man. I just don’t think people should go hungry especially when they can’t afford to eat. Maybe not the way you want to spend your tax dollars but I think it’s a lot better than a lot of the ways we do. I find the lack of a national free school lunch program to be one of the biggest failings of American politicians

I mean when the plan doesn’t work go to plan B. Which is run it back. Hope Kakko takes a step forward and smith is an improvement over what was the second or third line rw and if not hope one of the kids is ready to come in either after the ncaa season or Hartford season and have better bottom 6 depth. At the end of the day this team is good enough as is to go on a playoff run bc of Igor, Fox and the top 4 forwards.

Maybe now. But before this they seemed against congestion pricing according to reports I read. It seems someone told them that this is where the funding was coming from to expand the second Ave subway and it wasn’t just a toll on cars.

You can try the passive aggressive of just taking them back. If he’s stealing your underwear he’s definitely going to notice. But you’re probably best having a conversation with your parents

All the times where I could have really died. Especially the one where I was skiing and was out of control and stopped about a foot from a ledge that was basically the end of a cliff and a huge drop. Sometime I’ll just get the Ralph wigham, you’re in danger chuckle in my head

Showed up today in an mta pride shirt at nyc pride. Read the room lady

You are marked by the rat king. It’s time to get your affairs in order.

Fencing, squash, good ones to get college scholarships too. It’s never too late to become a potter. And golf

Sadly I knew what you meant just hadn’t considered that’s why someone would be doing it

Did not have “owed a fix” as something I’d have thought about. I might be too innocent

Since when do buildings in New York have a 13th floor?