Cool that you have the topography of dune on your cheek

You’re the inspiration for the meme, you know which one

Make sure to do keegals to help with the delivery

Jenna Ortega if she did bad weed and had an extra chromosome

Why you covering your ears and not your face

He’s everyone who grew up out of the loop in their friend group and I appreciate it

This should have been on the ufc prelims

Chig was getting hype during camp?

28 years of locking and unlocking the front door is all I see

Might as well have lead belly instead of rad absorption

There’s no need, it’s Batman and robin not Ratatouille

Def activated the Helios on NCR base just to see what would happen lol

Thanks for the clarification but is anything ever illegal in music streaming now? Cuz I even see og artist bump bootlegs nowadays