Consider that glass, nor aluminum is 100% perfectly rigid, and the clips will cause the glass to bend slightly. In my experience it's usually between 0.000-0.100 depending on how strong the clamps are.

You want to find your maximum functional flow rate, and then up your acceleration until you're dissatisfied with the ghosting, and then up your jerk as far as you can until you start layer shifting or skipping.

Once you find your maximum functional flow rate, just take that number which might be 10 or 12, and divide it by your desired line with and layer height, and that'll give you your speed and millimeters per second


Thank you, because this has been the most concise answer I've gotten in literally 10 months.


contingency would be nice, but honestly, as long the lawyer is paid and that $4k is dealt with, I'd be a happy camper.

It's been mentioned to me that this may be multiple cases, but again, no one can seemingly give me any solid answer.

I will attempt to give my legal aid center another call, but this would be about the 3rd time without a response.


1.) this job was a religious travel camp for youth between ages 12-18.
2.) Employer is located in Utah, and I've been previously advised to keep identifying information about my employer censored.
3.) given limitations at the time, I wasn't able to receive specific diagnosis, but generally, I received an acute laceration to my lip during my 2nd fainting episode on the job, and several bruises from another fainting episode after being transported against my concerns back to utah, and prolonged malnutrition from having 5 meals in 6 days which resulted in muscle weakness, prolonged syncope and lightheadness which persisted and was exacerbated by a seperate (and addressed) issue with access to medication for about 9 or 10 months. while not an injury, I developed a deep ridge in all of my nails (2 of which have not grown out yet)
4.) The start of the incident was in utah during the travel day, but I became acutely aware of how it was affecting my body when arrived in california. the following day of arriving in california, I collapsed twice, the second of which injuring my face and prompted a minor police investigation (to ensure this was not a self-harm injury).

outside of the injury, there were several explicit violations of labor law (that I had knowledge of) and of my employee contract.


I have been trying but it's either "not in their specialty of practice" or "the case is too large". I largely have no idea what kind or kinds of attorney I need, and no one I call can give me a straight answer for "liability reasons"


So, I was contracted week to week, but I was given a w-2 form for each state I was working in. Each week had it's own contract, and they were largely all identical given the regional specific changes, but all included housing, travel, and food. there were several explicit breaches of contract regarding hours and the food provisions that I can have several other employees attest to. When I initially contact workers comp in my home state of nevada, they said because the incident was through multiple states, I would need to get a lawyer involved, but I've been unsuccessful in finding one who's willing to take it for a seemingly endless amount of reasons.

EDIT: to have more context, I was working for a religious affiliated college for a religious travel camp, though I've been advised to keep my employer's name censored. During one of the travel days going from a city in Utah to a city in California, we were told by our travel team to leave at a certain time, but this time required us to abandon the minors we were required to watch until pickup from their parents. Given all the delays and overlaps, the breakfast that was provided for us became unavailable. throughout the travel, and given the 5 week delay in pay all employees had, I couldn't afford the meals I was responsible, and upon arriving to our destination, we were not given the meals our employer were responsible for providing, and I again couldn't afford to buy food. I then collapsed several times over the course of the next two days from not eating, and there was another messy overlap of me getting a medical exam, and me being forced onto another plane without eating under threat of financial liability for the flight. Upon arrive back to utah, I collapsed in the road for about 30 minutes. essentially, I was starved out for about a week (I had eaten about 5 meals in 6 days, and considering one day of the job might require 10-30 thousand steps) and was left in a condition where I could barely walk with $4,000 of medical debt, which resulted in my early termination without negotiation and a "courtesy" check of $2,000. I've been consistently told I need a lawyer, but every lawyer I call either says "outside the scope of their practice" or "too large a case for the firm", and I really just need to be told what kind or kinds of lawyers to contact and get involved as they won't tell me for "liability concerns"

ngl, considering the cut quality of that metal, I'm not suprised.

boys see this and be like hell yeah

Hell Yeah

Printing slower can change the sheen of the surface, but in my experience (and this depends on the material greatly), if print speed is causing layer adhesion issues, it's likely an issue with cooling/chamber temp or printing temp. Unless your print speed is reaching the melting capacity of your hotend, speed usually isn't the culprit.

What kind of lawyer, lawyers, or lawyer practice do I need? Mutli-state workplace injury incident and violation of employment contractLooking For Legal Process Help

Last year, I was working a travel position for my employer. there was some negligent management regarding food and travel, both of which my employer was contractually obligated to provide or reimburse. this negligence resulted in an injury that lasted several months and my unjust termination from my position. there were also other violations of my employment contract regarding hours, and schedule for pay. My employer is in Utah, the incident started in California, and ended in Utah, and at the time, my resident state of Nevada, and I have since moved to Utah. due to the incident, I have outstanding medical debt in california, utah, and nevada that are directly related to this incident.

this happened in july of 2023, this is posted in may of 2024. Everything is consistently being delayed because I have autism, and I have zero education or exposure to legal things such as this, and I also have no support system to help with this, and I really just need to know where to go, and who/what kind of lawyer to contact so this can finally be done and done.

Thank you to anyone who is willing to at least give me the right direction to go.

If you've actually tried all probably fixes, you probably just have a damaged lead screw or lead screw nut (which could be as simple as a bent screw). If that's the case, your next move is replacing the nut/screw or to get a decoupler like Hevorts wobble wings.

If you haven't tried this, try greasing the lead screw and double check for wear/severe backlash, or go for a belted z upgrade.

Make your neighbors a jello salad, and you'll never be in their bad graces

You should not be going to the temple if you are not ready to go to the temple. Part of being ready to go to the temple, is wanting to go to the temple.

And I don't think there is any shame in abstaining from being endowed if you know that's where you're not wanting to be or supposed to be in life at that time in your life. God has a plan for you, he has a path for you, it passes through the temple, but everything all in good time.

As a very proud Ender 3 owner, I think it is a good first-timer machine if you want to learn how to tinker. If you're wanting a machine that is a bit more ready to go with less maintenance, look elsewhere. I don't think it's a bad machine, but it's out of the box experience is exactly what you're paying for.

If it's not Z binding, consider that you're layer height is too tall for the nozzle in use. if I'm careful, I've been able to print 0.4mm height on a 0.4mm nozzle (yes, that's correct), but I keep layer heights 50% of the nozzle width. If you're printing at 0.3 or 0.35, consider your nozzle may be worn out.

If you absolutely need supports, try to orient your part so the only supported areas are flat and parallel to the print bed, and use blue tape as a support interface.

Or... Reorient the model to not have supports, or split the model into pieces that don't need support individually.

Or or... Just take some 80-120 grit and lightly sand it until it's satisfactory.

If you're just worried about your exposure, I personally would not worry, as long as you have an active exhausted, such as a powered fan to pull the air outside. But having appropriate filters is a bit more considerate to those outside and the environment as a whole.

What honestly upsets me more is how slow you're accelerations are. A machine like is capable of going a good amount faster.

You'll just need a new heater cartridge and thermistor. Amazon has them, but you may need to run the wires all the way through the cable umbilical to the main board of you don't have a quick plug near the hot end. Now might be a good time to upgrade your hot end if you've been looking for an excuse. I highly recommend using a stud thermistor regardless. I love them over the glass bead one.

Stretch mark treatments at home

I have stretch marks all over my body from rapid weight gain during my youth. As an adult after losing the weight, these marks I can only describe as the skin being 'thin' and still very sensitive. For example, I was trimming my body hair, and just going over the area with the trimmer caused one of the marks to bleed a bit. Excessive movement or friction can also cause them to hurt. It's been over a decade since these marks first started appearing, and over 5 years since the weight gain stopped and I stopped growing in height.

I'm not one to care about the look of the scars, but are there any at home treatments I can go through to have the stretch marks not be so thin and sensitive? I know creams often advertise reducing the appearance, but I'm not after reducing the appearance, just the sensitivity and 'thinness' of the skin.


Nothing but disappointment. Not that dating is much of anything but disappointment until it's not. I would say downloaded, but don't expect much out of it. It's not a silver bullet for dating, just yet another avenue for a consistent dating experience.

So in my experience that generally has not been true. Where I grew up, significant amount of members were definitely not necessarily doing well financially. However, I recently moved to Utah, and there are a lot of things about both church culture and exmo culture that I now understand so much better living in Utah

And the relevant part to this is how hostile the Utah State welfare program is to people on the Utah State welfare program. I myself registered on this program because I have several chronic conditions that require medical care, and finding a job here took 4 months, so I wasn't going to walk in there and be financially destitute without help, but my experience with these welfare programs is like having the welfare program breathing on your neck. If you're not doing well financially in Utah, then you move somewhere else, basically.

Now, this is not necessarily hostility and I think a negative way, it is an aggressively driving force to get someone to be off of the welfare programs, which is a concept I personally agree with, but to the degree that it's in practice is I think overly aggressive. And the sentiment is not well suited for people who require support and don't have it, like myself.

I think another part of it is that, at least in my experience, the culture in the church requires you to be presentable, so you find ways to 'hide' your true financial status. The amount of members I've known to take on significant amounts of debt to be more presentable at church is alarming.

What I used to do is print about a 0.5mm thick square over the area and let cool completely, and it would usually pick up any thin skirts left behind.