Eeeeeeew, wearing the traitor outfit...

Just joking, they look sick af haha

Mine are classics. Mr. Blue Sky and Stayin Alive never disappoint me.

Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ This action will have consequences

Such a Chloe move 😄

Later on we actually see them bonding quite a lot. And you instantly notice a deeper connection in that friendship than the eye can see.

I think it's hard to tell because Sheldon is the way he is and Howard is the way he is but deep down they'd admit they actually enjoy the presence of each other. There were episodes when one of those two were missing for one whole day and the whole group started to fall apart because of that.

"We liked Leonard" may be the reason why they met but not the reason why they're still sticking around. Sheldon is indeed capable of adapting to their activities and personalities.

Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ This action will have consequences

I don't know if you know it but now a bunch of new people have joined that server because of you haha

No one said anything about him playing Jin smh. He'd be an obvious choice for Shimura.

From what I gathered they also are quite thin, aren't they?

I'm sorry, but would you care to elaborate instead of just dropping a low effort title question and then leave? Types of journaling? Anything specific you have in mind? Wdym?

Dhingy Blunt | Supersonic | Nexus

Oh yeah, "busy" is actually a perfect description for it. I love the OG design, but at first I couldn't tell what made the new design so much better for me. But it's definitely the fact so many details are jumping into your eyes.

Dhingy Blunt | Supersonic | Nexus

I didn't know they released another variant of the Pranayama. So I just checked and I gotta say...

Pantheon cooked imo. Looks absolutely sick, artistic, rebellious, wild, and modern. Why not? Considering I already like the OG design but haven't actually bought a Pranayama (yet), I'm feeling even more tempted now that they have that new design.

In the grand scheme of things your point does make sense, but I also don't see any reason why they can't just turn the coin.

I do respect your opinion though! We're in a safe space here. And thanks for pointing out the story of those designs. Actually didn't really think too much about it. But now that I have, I feel even more comfortable with Pantheon.


HANDWRITTEN. Oh I changed my, it's still HANDWRITTEN. 😆

The satisfaction of actually writing something down on hard paper with a real pen (ideally a fountain pen) is something no technology can provide to me. It's classy and already a tradition. Here's a scene from my favorite romance movie:

VERY expensive though. And I say that as a German.


I'd say it's common sense. "I need healing. I need healing!!!!" "We need at least one support plssss" "You didn't heal me enough!" "Don't dive alone there, you'll die and I won't be able to heal you"

Even the slightest amount of passive healing per second will matter in such circumstances.

Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ This action will have consequences

Oh okay, thanks haha

Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ This action will have consequences


Doesn't necessarily have to mean anything. People shouldn't be judged if they freely choose to play BtS first. Like most franchises some starters without any knowledge like to orientate at the prequels first and not the release order. And that kinda makes sense.

The only reason why playing BtS messed up my experience was that I originally shipped Chloe and Rachel so I couldn't really feel anything between Max and Chloe. Therefore I was swimming against the waves. Since I had a deeper connection with Rachel her death felt even more severe and I could totally understand Chloe's loss.

Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ This action will have consequences

Sadly that's true. My first LiS experience was BtS.

Absolutely agree. Works in OW, why not in Rivals too? Also makes the game less toxic.

Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ This action will have consequences

Haha, welcome to the community!

I see you already built a connection with her. Keep her close and take care of her. You're her guardian now! You have a long journey ahead.


The last time I was actually rereading one of my old journals was probably two years ago. It was my first journal ever (I'm currently writing my fifth book) and it's inspired by Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Unlike all other journals it has sketches, figures and a personality full of hope.

It probably holds the greatest drama of all books, even though I'm dealing with even more serious shit in my adulthood as a 19 years old dude. It was the beginning of a dark path of depression, trauma, anxiety, insecurities, self-hate and most importantly...growth. A path I'm still struggling to accept.

The introduction of a life that had to be written down. And child-me knew that. I'm glad he did. He paved the way for me. Early on he was already so strong to deal with most of that shit absolutely alone. As a kid. Those written words became a reliable way of venting.

And when I look back at those words I feel like I can see him in front of me. He is wiser, genuinely smarter, more ambitious and stronger than me. He is a reminder that I got through worse shit before and I can do it once again. Again, again and again.

I don't like going back to the past now though. I cannot see him in the eyes anymore. I failed him too many times and I still do. I even have some entries written for "future-me".

But it sure is a wonderful trip when I feel nostalgic. All those memories...forgotten but never lost.

That's why I'm journaling.

(Ironically, I literally lost my first fifth book and with it a bunch of valuable entries, life lessons, experiences and memories. Took me some hella strength to move on. Even prayed to god so he'd give it back to me. And yes, I'm absolutely an atheist. I've started my second fifth book three weeks ago.)