Gawd-I just watched cabin fever this weekend! It’s streaming on like every platform.

Such a dumb movie and totally worth it 😁

  1. Re-evaluate every aspect of your life. Re-organize your income to spending ratio so that you are putting away savings. Try to save $10-30k (this is variable depending on geographic location).

  2. Invest in a multi family property (e.g. duplex or multi unit town home) instead of buying a single unit home or saving in an investment vehicle.

  3. Focus on working a full time job and making a second income as a landlord. If you set everything up correctly, your tenants will be paying your mortgage, and building your equity for you.

  4. Once you hit retirement/SS age you will need to decide what to do with all that property/equity. You could keep the land baron gig up, or sell 🤷‍♀️

If you really focus on your goals and stay true to your budget this is attainable in a 5/10 year period

I agree - they all play differently…go try them out.

IMO Roland have the best feel, sound, FX currently.

The keyboard market is HUGE. There are high end brands and low end brands. There are also brands that make premium, mid grade, and low end (these are the brands you want)

If you want a basic keyboard you are looking at about $600 usd and you want either a Roland, Yamaha, or Casio.

If your budget is extremely tight - look for a used Casio Privia (that was my first electric piano, it is basic AF, and I just repaired several sunk keys myself for the first time and it was easy-pezy)

  1. Grateful Dead
  2. Miles Davis
  3. Bach
  4. George Straight
  5. Tom Petty

Songs (wow this is hard) - currently the following are heavy in my rotations:

  1. Dark Star
  2. So what
  3. Invention number 8 in F major
  4. Big Iron
  5. Swingin (Tom Petty)
  6. The Race is On (George Straight - I love the Diamond rio version too)
  7. Help>Slip>Frank
  8. Hotlanta
  9. Ace in the hole
  10. I glued my balls to my butthole again (just found this song and I can’t stop listening!)

Oh man I’m gonna give this one a spin today! That first set is a beast! and the rest of the show looks like it smacks.

Thanks for the recommendation!


Sorry buddy, I was referring to the nursery rhyme about the digits. (i.e. the little piggy that ran all the way home would be the pinky)

If you’ve not tried HANON, and you’re not beyond this point with your technique, I do highly recommend it.

Edit: I’ve spent quite a bit of time in Praha and Ostrava - I love the country and culture!

Interesting, Most of the 20th century Cold War NATO states are correct. As an American myself, I can see where he/she is coming from.

In the US they didn’t teach us as much about those Eastern European nations.

I love the studio Dark Star! I love the live versions just as much. The studio version, however, is very underrated IMO.

lol-are you Jmagician and Relevantsearch?

Did you log into a different username just to give me a snarky response and hit my HANON comment with two downvotes

This is why the piano subs are toxic as fuck

Edit: this is legit crazy - I’m gonna back out - sorry if I offended you in any way


I think Jmagician was referring to the caption in the picture that says Alberado del Gracioso. I don’t think OP is playing this piece. I could be wrong 🤷‍♀️

lol!!! Yes this was the same thought I had! This reminds me of the SNL sketch Museum of Hip-Hop Panel.

Question: Who dat?

Answer: He sold 20 million records

Response: Oh so he a flop? I’m just saying my new solo got like a trillion streams in two days on SoundCloud.

I don’t think OP is actually the person in the picture or the playing this piece. I could be wrong, however.

We all struggle with that little piggy!

If you do not have a HANON the virtuoso pianist, I highly recommend you pick one up ASAP (at a minimum look up HANON exercise 1 on YouTube)…the first couple exercises focus on your 4 and 5 if I remember correctly 🤔

HANON is like going to the gym for your fingers and will strengthen up that pinky (and the rest of those stragglers)

This is my favorite post here:

This succinctly explains the lunacy in our political system.

I will say this: I hire a lot of people in my industry, and this joker would not even get an interview or pass any of the basic background checks. If you would not hire this individual to work with you and/or would not allow them to be alone with your wife and children, you probably should not elect him to run the country.

I recommend communicating this to your instructor.

The best instructor I ever had (this was as an adult having taken lessons for almost a decade as a child) recognized the level I was at, asked me what I wanted to play, and worked with me at my pace. He understood I worked a full time job, had a family, and money was not an issue.

I told my instructor I wanted weekly lessons, and it was highly likely that there would be weeks that I came in underprepared….i wanted to focus on jazz at the time, and the times I came in underprepared we would shift focus to theoretical discussions and apply them to whichever piece I was working on….the funny thing is I started having so much fun, I rarely came in underprepared.

It’s a business. Let your teacher know what you want and that you are willing to pay for that level of teaching. A good teacher will provide good customer service - IMO

Good luck, have fun, and welcome back aboard the bus!

Can you buy a cheap guitar and bring it with you?

I love transposing songs between instruments. I always learn something new.

Guitar is such an easy instrument to just pick up and practice chord theory on. Then start thinking about the relationships between the fretboard, the strings, and the keyboard.

Just an idea. If you can’t pack a piano, pack a guitar 🤷‍♀️

My doodle always falls asleep with his head on my left foot. He is so considerate to leave my right foot available for sustain.

This video shows how to express various emotions combining major and minor triads. For instance how to make a “scary” sound, or how to express a “romantic” feeling:

It’s a fun spring-board to inspire some composition.

I can’t stand it when people condescendingly answer “Correct” instead of “Yes” or “I agree”

I agree with this post. I play in a jazz group and a country group, and I live and die by the lead sheet.

I think there are several things to consider:

  1. What version of sheet music are you using? Is it a version written and adapted specifically for solo piano? Or do you have sheet music that says something at the top like vocals/piano/guitar? If the answer is the latter you will need to consider that these songs were written to be played on multiple instruments with a bass player, guitar player, and a drummer (at a minimum). So you are going to see notes that are played by other instruments.

  2. Most pop songs (like nothing else matters-I assume you are referring to Metallica ) does not even have a piano in it. So any sheet music you have is an adaptation of a full band playing the song….this song can be beautiful on piano if pulled off correctly.

  3. How are you playing this? Are you singing along, or are you playing the vocal melody as a lead part on the piano? Depending on the version of sheet music you are looking at, this has a huge impact on what notes you play.

Finally: it may just be that you need to practice scales and arpeggios to get the movements down you are looking for. Check out some YouTube tutorials for those particular songs (do not use synthesia) if you simply need help with the technique.

Ah yes Athens:

I believe the only acceptable attire for women is an LBD with “their cloths too tight and their hair is dyed…too much lipstick and too much rouge”


I got tired of the way alcohol made my body feel (particularly the next day) only 🌲🌲🌲 for me now.

Lost 50lbs when I stopped drinking 😄