Wait! How dare you present factual data? That doesn’t align with my ideology. I’m going to cancel you!!

Just don’t go back to the office. Quit. If enough people refuse and quit, that will send a message. OR, you could just go back to the office and keep your job and the money that comes with it. Your choice. Nobody is holding a gun to your head

Were you expecting the “so-called liberal media” to just toe the party line?? Oh boy, you have so much to learn about liberal loyalties…

The prosecution failed to prove "beyond reasonable doubt" that OJ was guilty. When the defense used the "if the glove don't fit, you must acquit" line, the prosecution had no good response for it. Jurors were left with some doubt so they found him not guilty.

My favorite is when redditors want everyone to be accepting of other's opinions or beliefs unless it comes from a conservative person who is going to vote for Trump

Offer 11,500. Good car just overpriced at 14,800

The pay wasn’t the problem. Nobody wanted to handle BRAIN flakes. Just gross…

Gators have the right of way in a crosswalk. State law

A little girl saying “They’re here” while she stares at the static on the tv

You could have just said “Edmunds is a liar and I refuse to believe them or their research”

According to Edmunds.com the VW Jetta’s 5 year ownership costs for maintenance is $3,496 while the Toyota Corolla’s is $3,821. I know math is hard for you so let me break it down: the VW Jetta has a LOWER 5 year maintenance cost than the Toyota Corolla.

This would be much more genuine if you didn’t use AI to write this for you. Best of luck