Check out Tailfin’s new line of farm bags, they have 9 different sizes/shapes

Yeah it’s decent for what it is. Shipping can take awhile. And like others stated, they’re not really on sale, those are always the prices. Sizes seem fairly true to size for me

Go to Animales at Bauhaus Brew Labs! Great food and a few NA beers and plenty of THC offerings

My first hard ride back from a rest week can sometimes feel extra hard but the next ride usually feels great.

I personally wouldn’t do a hard workout during a rest week, but sometimes I’ll hit a single 1-min VO2 effort and maybe a 2- or 3-minute threshold effort on the final easy ride of my rest week to sort of open my legs up for the next hard workout.

Image 1: I typically take the blue route in this instance because I feel safer crossing that merging lane perpendicularly instead of trying to merge with them by going straight. But neither way ever feels right.

Image 2: Id definitely just keep going straight with the red line. Doing that little just to the right with the blue line might make cars behind you think you’re turning right so they may end up turning right into you.

Yes, the classic American sport of sitting on the couch and drinking beer every night.

One thing to check out is Restrap’s Bumper Bar which helps keep bar bags off the head tube. They make a version that’s compatible with Giant’s Overdrive steerer now too!

Absolutely not, everyone deserves to be comfortable! If you end up losing a chunk of weight as you continue cycling you may need another bike fit down to road to adjust to your bodies new shape and capabilities.

I think the Stop Kony bracelets in 2012 is definitely up there

Read the book… ya might just learn something 🤷

This is true, but it also caps your expenses quite dramatically. No need for adding more/larger tanks, packaging lines and the workers to run them, multiple workers and expensive purchases to establish distribution (or God forbid working with an established distributor), the marketing budget needed to compete with other breweries in the open marketplace, etc.. All this for a razor thin margin on packaged beer without much volume to be gained in the current beer market.

I’ve always thought they were one of the most overrated breweries in the state. All the overly adjunct-laden hype styles aren’t my jam at all, and their more classic styles were always just a “meh” for me. It’s hard to compete on the liquor store shelf unless the liquid is excellent.

I work for a somewhat large MN brewery and I can tell you we wouldn’t be open without our taproom. Even bigger local breweries that you see at every bar and liquor store are struggling to make any profit, or even break even, in distribution these days. The taproom basically subsidizes the losses from distribution.

The funny thing is that, up until DM closed their NE taproom, so many of us in the industry would say ‘man I wish we would’ve just stuck with the Dangerous Man model.’ None of us had any idea what was running through their heads when they decided to close shop and get into production.

Any time Jeremy Ylvisaker is playing is always an absolute clinic. He plays with lots of different groups and artists, sometimes they’re a one-time-only thing.

On a different side of the spectrum, Luke Enyeart is a beast and his solo project is great.

First off, 4-5 structured workouts plus a race each week on Zwift is a LOT of intense days. This definitely pushed your “Fitness” up, but remember that Fitness score is really just a 6-week rolling average of your daily training stress, not an actual measure of your ability to perform.

Coming to a more structured plan like TR, you should feel only 1-2 workouts a week are in the Very Hard range. The rest should be below that. As long as you’re consistent with how you answer your post-workout surveys, your Progression Levels should start to catch up with where your physiology is at. Adaptive Training is pretty amazing but it does tend to take a month or so to really learn where you’re at and get you on the right path. In the meantime, take note of which workout types are seeming too easy for you and start trying Stretch alternates on those days. For my personal physiology, for example, the short VO2 and Anaerobic workouts seemed too easy so I pushed to Stretch alternates for a couple weeks until they got to the Very Hard territory. On the other hand, Threshold workouts always seemed spot on right off the bat. So play around with that a bit and see if you can speed up the learning process. You can also just turn up a workout if it’s not hard enough. However, keep in mind that anything under Threshold should just about never fall into the Very Hard category. Let your easy rides be easy and your moderate rides be moderate and eventually you’ll start seeing your fatigue management allows you to rip it even harder on the truly hard days. Hope this helps.

Depends how you define failure! If you mean having to stop the workout or turn it down more than 1 or 2%, i probably fail a workout once or twice every build period since that’s really where I’m trying to push myself. Maybe once towards the end of the base period if I’m trying to do some stretch alternatives on the long sweet spot days. In the moment, and for a day or two after, it makes me feel like shit every time. But then I remember it’s all part of the process and that if I’m not failing a workout every now and then I’m not pushing myself enough.

That must have been pretty expensive. The pattern is so complicated!

I definitely thought you had a pizza oven strapped to your rack at first glance 😂

Go further Southeast to do a lap of Grey Cloud Island. Come back up through St Paul Park, cross the river on 494 bridge, then take the Mississippi River Trail up towards the St Paul Airport and connect back up to your route there. Might end up being more than 100 miles, but not sure if just going to 494 and cutting over will be enough.

Cycling in North Oaks

Does anyone ride in North Oaks at all? All the roads are technically private but it seems like a really nice quiet loop for long efforts. I see there's a few Strava segments created there but not sure if residents give cyclists guff for riding there.

Thank you so much for the detailed response! I already use more of a push cut/chop approach for most of my prep so I think I’ll go with one of the synthetic options.