Oh please explain to me how did the government make steam stop accepting bitcoin

There’s a reason why you can’t buy groceries with bitcoin and never will

That's because the volatility of the coin and the amount of fraud, it has nothing to do with governments


Yeah, that was my point, both Trump and Bush had strong economies and increased the deficit before crashing it

Inevitability? Based on what? Countries like Iran, Russia or China who are doing way worse than us haven't had a violent revolution in a long time, what makes you think a violent revolution is inevitable here in the US? And also what makes you think that the pacifist side will win?

This idiots have a lot of money and they use it to donate to campaigns and lobby politicians though

Lol, Venezuela, Chile, Germany, Italy and Spain had the same "controls" and were destroyed when dictators rose to power

She mattered in 2016, just like Biden matters today, so not voting for Biden gets Trump, so, do you want four more years of Trump?

You get the worst evil, a Hillary Clinton presidency would've meant a liberal court for the next 30 years and women rights would be safe, she wouldn't have destroyed the pandemic team and would have trusted the experts so our response to COVID would've been way better, and probably could've been shorter, no tax cut to the rich (which added 8 trillion to the deficit during a strong economy), she wouldn't have pressured the fed to keep interest low in a strong economy, that means housing ptices wouldn't have skyrocketed, and the fed would've been able to lower them now to reactivate the economy, do you prefer that or Trump?

Look who've just found out there's porn on the internet

They've have spent 2.5 billion in stock buybacks this year alone

Software Engineer

À lot of companies don't like to hire foreigners in general but that's because visas can be a pain in the ass

One of my French teachers once told me, "we have the same racism problem Americans have, but we don't pretend to do anything about it like Americans do"

He's pro Israel because they're killing a bunch of Muslims, because he hates Muslims more than he hates Jews

I guess they're struggling after spending 2.5 billion in stock buybacks this year, they should get another tax cut

More than half of Americans don't know what recession means