I'm honestly not sure which you're saying has more bad people though… lol

Your comment is correct on an individual basis, but when you look at the US obesity epidemic, including in children, the person above you has a point.

I get it, but mate you should be more chill. You only hurt yourself,

Justice is blind… and slow…

Don't need to know anything about them for their comment to be accurate.

I spoke about normal conditions where the context above is cars. You're talking about everything else…

If you're having to drive slowly because you're hauling a heavy load, while telling others to show patience, then I assume you do the same for them - As in, if people can't pass for an extended period and cars start backing up, you pull over and let them by, right? If so, that's about all we can do.

I have a lot of black friends, and I'm shocked how often one of them has said they don't know how to swim.

It's about relative speed. Speed limit 45, normal conditions and people are driving 45-50, then that one guy driving 35-40 is a bad driver.

They're the people that the speed limit will drop to 25 for a school and they will keep going 35 because they're not paying any attention to what's going on around them.

They actively try not to give it.

It's not even an option in the app.

There is a difference as some will keep you full, and others don't. Some will spike your blood sugar and cause pre-diabetus like the person said above, others don't. So in health, weight, everything - it matters.

I need some help on this project, time to go catch some “luh-teenks”!

All good broski! I only wanted to make sure you had tried the real stuff. If you have and still don't like it - That's fair.

I'm 100% with you on the "pure sweet taste that was chemically archieved in a laboratory" type foods (No comment on Nutella specifically as it's been too long), but I appear to be a minority in the US based on what people buy.

Folx is performative, i.e. how can I use a gender neutral term, but really signal that I'm at the forefront of inclusivity. I should be ignored.

Right? This is written as if it's serious, but the second option is just stupid. No clue what u/xHiruzenx was thinking.

You started by saying "Same for peanut butter", and mentioned resee's cups, so I had to check. Seemed quite likely those were the ones you've eaten.

Just not liking peanuts and peanut butter - Eh, we all enjoy different food.

Okay. How does corruption get fixed easily and with very little money so the food shortage can be corrected?

Are you picking up the cheapest peanut butter? Those tend to have all kind of added ingredients that make it sweet/artificial tasting.

have come in that are barley

Someone still has Whisky on their mind.