The amount of micro influencers that fake they don’t have a job , and only get paid for influencing is not believable . So many of them actually have real jobs , and don’t just make money of influencing. Unless you have a million followers and up with an engaged audience, you’re not making a lot. You definately can make extra income if you have an extra skill in photography or videography by collabing with brands, with low amount of followers but you got to be a professional in that field. I honestly think her husband Probally already has a job lined up , and she is saying he is still unemployed to up her views. Little does she know that most influencers grow a lot on TikTok when they post relatable things, especially the influencers that also do have real jobs. Alice actually even admits even though she has a lot of followers, that her husband also has a real job , and he does influencing as extra income . I actually appreciate that she is honest about everything.

Majority of people from West Van are rich rich. Grew up with friends in 20 million dollar homes in British Properties, with 1 pool inside one indoor, with columns inside their home with massive high ceilings, 7 bedrooms etc. 5 luxury Ferraris, I was in college when I hung out with kids like this. A lot of the times my friends were Persian, and their parents were in Dubai and left the mansion to their kids. I also dated my friends brother who was super rich at 20, but his parents mansion in British Properties was insane. This is so normal in Vancouver, especially on the west side, Lions Bay, North Van, and West Van. Also rich kids of West Van are known for their parents to pay for everything.

I don’t know why she copies. Someone said she is an interior designer, she should mix in that content to since that actually is interesting content to look at. She has enough money too to travel to different places , and do different travel experiences than copying. Is she a nice person though , and maybe just lost in life? In a way, then I feel saddened for her , she looks like she has everything , but wants to be someone else….

It seems she copies a few creators that she doesn’t follow. I think the Naboo thing though, is what everyone does who loves Star Wars that travels there. So I don’t think that is copying when that came out before social media, but everything else yes.

I never understand why Raven keeps with her Disney content, when she can’t even do partnerships with them? And majority of Disney lovers don’t like her, how awkward to go to a park if you run into someone that doesn’t like you.Remember that post that said she was going to stop her Disney content, that didn’t last long… her Disney content sucks now it’s just outfit photoshoots at the park, that are not even nice outfits.

Nice, I think her contents pretty. I always find it interesting what some of these people do for work

That Jacqueline girl who copies Kayla, what does she do for work? She alwyas traveling now same places Kayla goes to, Club 33 access, designer things, and bought a house in California.

Definately and I think views, likes etc too. I have seen people with less likes than hers, same amount of followers, with better content too.

You can be an influencer for extra income, and also still work a great paying regular job. Alice’s husband works a normal job, and he also is an influencer with Alice. A lot of influencers also have normal jobs as well, they do it as a second income.

She finds good deals. Her resort she stayed at the Vero beach was only 172 a night, only 400 for two days , that’s not expensive. Are they Disney vacation club members also?

You can’t determine how long someone is together, just because of how long someone is posted on the feed. Anyone could have been together before having a Instagram or social media in general. I don’t think that determines a real relationship, it is pretty photos though. But you can’t base a relationship off social media, people fake them all the time especially in these influencer for wedding brand deals. Don’t know who they are , or how long they have been together, just thought the photos were pretty.

So true! We even saw it with the fake content wedding Raven did, she tried to copy Kayla with the aesthetic and same kind of vibe, but Kayla’s was so beautiful, real, filled with real love, and Raven’s looked so lame and fake compared to hers. Ravens wedding photos sucked compared to Kayla’s wedding photos , venue, and videography.


she is so pretty, and the lighting is superb. I like these photos more than Ravens engagement ones.


Not snark this girl wins hands down most beautiful engagement photos at Disney.

I think that Raven was Probally jealous of Kayla all along. No offense but Kayla seems genuine, she is prettier, has a real job, her own business, looks like she makes way more money then her, has a good looking husband that adores her, owns a house in California, and she has been with her significant other for years. Raven is Probally so jealous of Kayla’s life, and being in Disneyland Paris she is trying to one up her , by posting that she is staying at a Disneyland hotel too, and club 33 at the same time, copying her. I wonder how they even met… the thing is Raven wouldn’t even get to do what she does without using people, and pretending she is besties with them.

It’s because she is not really married didn’t Kayla and Taylor post a story on that? Explains why she is not wearing her ring. Saying two legally married girls in Paris(someone posted that here) sounds like they know the real tea, that Raven just uses Jeff for a fake Instagram husband. It explains why he never posts her anymore, and why he barely goes on trips with her. He was the only one desperate enough to fake a marriage.

lol Of course, she wouldn’t be in Ravens circle if she didn’t provide something of value.

She photographed the models for Stoney clovers website , that means she does get paid to do photography for brands. She also studied marketing so she Probally does grow Instagram pages, like she says in her linked in. She doesn’t do enough sponsored posts on her instagram, she barely posts. She owns her own business. I mean I don’t like her personality and how she treats people, but I respect her hustle.

He has got to work and not take time off, for the extra things she wants, such as a designer dog.

It’s a 4000 dog that sometimes is bred unethically. She seems like she just has it for content, and to pretend she has a family. Her and Jeff’s relationship looks even more fake now with that photoshoot.

So on Ravens linked in it says she is a social media manager too, I wonder whose accounts she is growing. It also says she does photography for brands. Seems she has multiple hustles. I really wonder how her brand does, and how much she actually sells. She just bought a Pomeranian which is 4000 dollars, looks like a designer dog…hopefully it was an ethical one…

That was so funny. This just proves Raven is the fakest friend ever and only uses people for her own benefit.


lol laughing how she is alwyas twirling around with a new friend. So fake. Also she always looks so different in her tagged photos , versus her edited curated feed.

lol I remember when he was following on Twitter a few only fanns girls while they were together . Doesn’t seem like he really cares about being fake married right now if thats the case. If I was Raven I would be embarrassed for anyone to see me at Disney. I would know I could run into anyone I backstabbed , or anyone who talks so much bad things about me , that are actually true.