They were common in the friendship before, but now it's not the same friendship. It makes sense that things are different.

I've tried a couple but none were effective to a degree that was life changing. Clean diet, low carbs, exercise, limiting stress and constantly trying to organise my mind seem to have big impacts but not any supplements.

I worked Ni a lot. I think it's self destructive because you can end up with nothing. Fe was never something likable to me, it's too painful if you use it a lot. Ti be fine, it gives a solid path. Se is creation. Young me never liked it, now me finds peace and solitude in it.

You can do so much mental thinking that you end up broken. Stop thinking and help your body heal itself. Counter intuitive for what you ask but that's about it. To rebuild yourself, you need to do nothing more than adopt a healthy physical lifestyle.

As i said, your attitude is rude and immature.

I wrote it when i was 20 and it was a tetralogy. It was mostly bad, with some perfectly written moments. I was mostly writing drunk and only sometimes it worked, just really well.

I have a degree in food technology so i have done biochemistry. It couldn't give as much as philosophy gives because it doesn't encompass as wide of a range.

There's always a need to study philosophy because philosophy sets in the questions that every science tries to answer.

Your attitude is rude and immature. That's the way i see it.

As far as i know with creatine you load up water. The more water you add, the less % of electrolytes you have around. The less electrolytes, the more cramps. Things should normalize from now on or you could add some magnesium and see if it helps. Also in markets in the salt isle they sell substitute salt that has potassium chloride, you can add some of that too.


I do romanticise and i am a bit obsessed with all that stuff. It wasn't my intention to argue, i only wanted to explain my mindset a bit and see yours too.

"fried rice with no rice" made me chuckle.


Your consciousness is the filter of reality. If there is an objective reality, we degrade it with our bodies and minds into what we perceive because to us it's something ineffable. Our inputs, are limited aspects. Our eyes can't perceive all of the electromagnetic spectrum and for that we create tools to help us understand the universe. We created telescopes, infrared cameras, x ray machines because our eyes were not enough.

Humans can't perceive the objective reality because there's too much interference. We're not perfect. We are affected by our subconscious and unconscious mind in every thought we make. There are forces in nature we can't perceive. As times passes we'll make tools to detect those, and we'll find ways to translate the results into a form we can understand. But to understand, we need to degrade everything in a form we understand.

How can truth come from math if the subjective and fallible being made the math? For all we know, we might be false about everything. We try to make the puzzle fit but it doesn't mean we are correct. Still i function and follow current science because it is the best we got, but it's not the best in an absolute sense. It's just a big fat lie we say to ourselves. We made some tools and got some results just to feel good and certain about ourselves.

As socrates said "I know that i know nothing". If there is one truth with the most chances of being objective, it's that.


Philosophy doesn't lead to erroneous conclusions because it doesn't lead to conclusions. It leads to more questions.

The field that "described objective reality" is just trying to answer philosophical questions.


Se cures the negative effects of Ni.


Actual reality is unachievable. You're a body that has the majority of its processes not being conscious. A body that can be influenced by external and internal substances. If you are drunk or high or angry or bored, you make different choices and think in different ways. A body that every day almost shuts down and while that happens and you dream you enter a different state of being. You can't be certain that right now you don't exist in a state of dreaming. You are two brains that are connected by corpus callosum. You are more than two brains because everything that lives in your gut has communication with your brain and releases chemicals that affect who you are and what you decide.

If they genuinely want this, they should start with philosophy because it is the science of all sciences.

Talking like someone that doesn't adhere to the bro code.

I think to myself and it's mostly the reason as to why i wrote what i wrote, if i stop running i am dead. My life started when i started running. Heavily relate to what you wrote.

But to die you have to live first.

Embrace your Se or continue being dead.

Monkey in Space

When it comes to philosophy, everyone is an idiot by definition.

Monkey in Space

I think he tries to explain philosophy using math. But he doesn't seem to understand math.

Some of his ideas can lead to some good points but he doesn't really put in the work. He is trying to explain the ineffable but he doesn't know how to express it.

I'm pretty sure that's a real plant.

Source: i watched an anime once.

Too much water and too much volume and probably not enough time for it to solidify. Also not sure if it needed more oil.

We need more "evolved" unions. The unions that exist now have a lot of backwards thinking in a lot of areas.