That looks to be about fifteen basil plants there! Id probably harvest like 12 of them.

They grow a bit slower than most people hope for, adding more basil plants in separate pots is a great idea. I have about six plants at any time. I love the stuff.


Her insanity won me over on MSN, I was with Sam, the absurdity for sure won me over.

Her Gilbert Gottfried was just perfect in every way.

Did you do the Edison room at the palace? Holy shit.


Yeah gas and electricity prices are quite high for them due to the nature of the place.

It's definitely having it's battles. The board were paying payroll themselves at one point I heard. Apparently they got funding for a bit now. Big grant, see how long that lasts.

Clay and Steel is a business by the lead smith's protege. The Crucibles lead Smith moved to PA and Clay and Steel is filling his shoes in Richmond. Blacksmithing classes etc cheaper than cru. She actually answers if you call too.

There's a lot of good(ish) things unsaid about this show, but you did pretty well summing it up tbh.

I think the problem is that people are being incredibly funny.

Someone could start a virtual tour company like this

It does stupid well in the fabric pots. The runners kinda just air prune and the stems that go vertical, really go vertical. I had a 4ft tall stem on my mint, no flowers, before I cut it back

The reveal of Gorgug's familiar goes hard. Zach pretends to lift a sheet covering his creation and the entire cast are looking at nothing and they all go "woaaaah" and the intensity makes you feel it too chefs kiss

Dimension 20 is so good because of this.

You really have to let him win after that.

The animation is so sick, she's so pretty!