
All the statements touched my heart. Every single one. I teared up a lot with Tammy's dad.. Kay and Colby. Loved Ann Cushing's as well. She smacked Chad in the face with her statement and I loved that.

It was a great day for justice.

They’re truly delicious chocolates! The hazelnut/ raisin and the peanut with cornflakes are amaze balls

My grandfather died 40 years ago and I still get teary when I see a picture or talk about him. My parrot died 20 years ago and I still have emotion talking about him. Emma’s a heartless cold bitch. I freaking have more empathy for Tammy than her own daughter does.

I started them like 4 years ago and it’s been a great 4 years so far. Life saving, even. I’ll happily continue to take them every year. At first I was shy about telling people and how well it works because the stigma of using shrooms. Now I tell anyone who will listen, including those that don’t suffer ch. I wish you many ch free years!

I think she still believes in him.. to this day. Some source known to Lauren Matias from hidden true crime mentioned that Lori doesn’t believe he’s throwing her under the bus. Crazy bitch lol

My theory: I think it happened in YS. Alex probably shot her and poor JJ was probably asleep or maybe though she was asleep. Then he took her to Chad's and did his worst (together with Chad) to her body. I'm sure there was a tarp or more bags involved. Her other parts may be somewhere else on the property or Alex took her elsewhere to discard or bury during a clean-up. I only hope that it was quick and she didn't suffer. It breaks my heart for her.

She's a force to be reckoned with. I'd hate to have her as my prosecutor!

Pfft... he's always known he a fraud. In that jailhouse call with Lori you can hear it in his voice as he talking shit to her.

I'm still so happy Charles changed the life insurance when he did. He got one real win in all this mess.

I’m lefty primarily for writing but do everything else with ease. So I’d say we’re pretty much ambidextrous

I wonder why they didn't bring up the fact that he was a grave digger in the past. Or did they and I missed it?

Also, having 3.9 acres, you'd think he'd have buried them farther back on the property. Nope, he put them where he could see them easy. Gross bastard.

For me, there's not just one piece of evidence I think is damning to Chad. I feel there are several things that fit some missing puzzle pieces during this trial that show he is just as involved in all these murders.

Honestly, I think Lindsey B did a great job with Emma and I understand she was trying not to be a bitch to her because she is a "victim" in a sense. However, I really wish LB had played her jailhouse convos with her dad so it would jog Emma's memory and the jury could hear lies about things her dad told her to do.


Hopefully more to seal his fate.

I'm watching and I am appalled with Emma. I can't believe that so many people and myself care more about her own mother. Lying little twat. I'm grateful Lindsey B is hammering her down now.

What did they miss the first time?

Throw them out and their partners will return. ... never fails

At first I was like oh damn… they have more on Lori but seeing all the new stuff that they brought into this one shows he was in charge. This trial has filled in the gaps from Lori’s trail. The potato is 💯 as guilty as Lori.

You're always on the ball, Duchess. Thank you for all you do.


Yeah he didn’t foresee his goddess or his downfall either. James and Elena 0%!