Diablo 4... I just finished the base campaign yesterday, and I was prob 10 levels over where I should have been, due to side quest fulfillment. The end boss battle was a joke, and since I cut through every cutscenes during the game I had no idea what was going on.

You're the addict. Bad decision, go beg for their forgiveness and get help.

2nd on the pastelito, I can taste the tangie in it

Going to the heavy petting zoo tour when I was 17 was one of the best times I ever had

Until the filibuster is gone, it takes 60. And no matter who gets nominated, it will get rejected due to Biden's "condition". That's me looking in my crystal ball, take it fwiw

No other Dem candidate has to deal with this issue. Recognizing that doesn't make someone "delusional". It will be used as the scapegoat for every action, lending legitimacy to obstruction to issues that previously had none.

But what are we kidding... he stays in, he loses.

No you are right it's initiated by the cabinet. I still feel he would get less accomplished than the first 4 yrs, due to this specific issue. And forget about choosing any justices...

This is so fresh, I'm willing to give him a little time to come to the right decision. TBH it would be weird if he quit in a week's time...

From now on, every time the DNC reminds you that this election is "the most important ever", you can just call them bed-wetters.

I know his "coronation" by the Supreme Court is still fresh, but IMO he cares more about his own legacy than gaining more power. Naive of me? Maybe, we'll see.

And even if he does stay in and manage to win, it will be 4 years of non-stop obstruction, house inquiries and 25th amendment challenges. TBH based on what we all saw, they would be justified. I just wished the party would FN wake up and get on the right side of this. The DNC needs to stop calling us "bed-wetters" and telling us to distrust our own observations, ffs

I don't think the drawing is great, but I think you figured that out. It looks like a cheap imitation of the work done by the artist Skel.

Nah he's cooked, just clown him non stop about it. Seriously, make it uncomfortable for him to continue justifying the charade. HE is the one who needs to come to the realization on his own.

You guys would have been reprimanded if her action was to call the health inspector about it. People have allergies... it would be nice if restaurants were considerate about enforcing all of their rules.

For.those with kids, he looks like the "Master Kaos" character from Skylanders

🟦 :moons: 0 / 2K 🦠

Closed mine today as well. Vote with your wallet

Not disagreeing, but the orig statement still stands in the end. Any warm body that's not an octogenarian would win for the Dems.

There hasn't been a time in the country's history where an incumbent Prez got seriously challenged by someone in his own party, and never with the support of the party itself. Just saying, I wouldn't expect any party to boot an incumbent against their wishes... I think last night was a big wakeup call for a lot of people, maybe the party pushes for a change in light of what happened.

I don't think you'd get a decent candidate to run against the party's incumbent in any scenario. That's not really the DNC's fault. In 2016, yes they put their thumb on the scale for HC. This situation is different, Biden is the Prez.

I don't want to think about the day Fat Mike from NOFX dies