Your cousin thinks highly of you. Make sure you show them some appreciation.

Start with a 7-8mm Dunlop pick, then adjust for feel and personal preference whether you want to go thicker or thinner.

Practice your technique, scales, chords, etc. on the clean channel only; you'll have plenty of time to jam your favorite covers with distortion. This way you can hear your fuck ups loud and clear and see exactly where you're sloppy.

Get ready for blisters, calluses, cramps, and frustration. The calluses are the most important to build right now. Play until you physically can't. Cramps are going to happen, and it should be uncomfortable in the beginning but never painful. If you're feeling actual pain, stop and reassess your hand position, technique, etc. Always, always, always warm up before playing with hand and wrist/forearm stretching exercises. It's just like any other physical activity you need to warm up for.

Start off by learning the C major diatonic scale, three notes per string. When you get good at that, learn the A minor diatonic scale three notes per string. They're both connected, you'll discover why and how much later, but for now just know those patterns. You can find the tab diagram with a simple google search.

Learn every note on the top two strings for now.

Practice alternate and tremolo picking early. You'll thank me.

A great song to learn (my very first, actually) in which you can learn and play nearly the entire thing in one day is Metallica's cover of Am I Evil.

Prepare and train for war in various exercises, training missions, etc. Usually there is some sort of quarterly or semi-annual deployment to the field or TDY (temporary duty), sometimes for a week, sometimes for a month, sometimes for multiple months, where you fight with/against other forces, sometimes US, sometimes international.

Even if you're in garrison, the activities you do, however mundane, are designed specifically to ensure everyone is ready to go in some way or another. It could be as simple as bureaucratic paperwork, ancillary training, briefings, etc.

As a weapons director, (air intercept radar controller, like AWACS on the ground), we had near-daily training missions with the fighter squadrons to provide command and control over mock dogfights. Whenever we weren't doing live flying, we were doing simulations in our control modules through the computer where one person was inventing the entire fight and inputting it into the computer for us to react to, much like a dungeon master does with D&D. Actually, it's EXACTLY like a dungeon master, hehe. Everything is mimicked as realistically as possible, including mock intel briefings, smart packs (flight info), and even mock emergencies like evacuations, health problems such as heart attacks or physical injury, even mock suicide threats, breaking through the wire, etc. Evaluators often throw whatever they can at you to see how you react under stress and surprise. During a dogfight, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition, so they burst in with the Spanish Inquisition.

Honestly, it sounds a lot more interesting than it is. Live fights were where the fun always was, especially with international forces. Lots of cameraderie. There's a certain respect militaries have for each other, even adversaries. Everyone knows the suck. Nothing pisses military members off like civilians talking shit about things they know nothing about like it's a fucking sports team.

What most civilians don't understand when they read these headlines about so-and-so losing in a training exercise is that you're kinda supposed to lose in a training exercise. It's developed specifically to overwhelm you so the evaluators can find blind spots and weaknesses. Nothing ever goes 100% well. No one ever wins 100%. That said, there's a difference between room for improvement and screwing the pooch, and sometimes you screw the pooch. But that's how you get better, and you can't improve if you don't fuck up.

I lost 60 lbs in ten months through exercise and proper diet, with proper diet being the linchpin.

It's simple. Stop eating like a dumbass and watch the pounds just fade away.

That won't stop you from eating them, though, will it?

Dude, I'm American. The difference is Europeans don't expect the rest of the population to adjust for them. Americans, on the other hand, instead of taking responsibility and being accountable for themselves, make excuses as to why they are how they are and demand everyone else cater to them.

A European won't think to sue a company for telling them they're too fat for their products. They'll go on a diet. Americans, however, will do just that and demand recompense, or at the very least completely ignore the fact they're too fucking fat and go where they can literally fit instead of fixing their problem. I mean, "healthy at any size"? That is an American invention.

It's not because of "walkable cities" that Europeans aren't morbidly obese, it's because Americans can't stand being told to put the fork down and to stop eating like dumbasses. Moreover, American society is so far gone that they don't even have to.

Dude, I'm a Gen-Xer and they said the very same shit about us in the 90s. Look at who is saying it over the years; there's a common denominator.

I will say, however, that Gen-Z seems to be the most uninteresting, boring, white bread vanilla generation I've seen, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I mean, we are all criminals and drug addicts and drunks, after all.

This is the best POI in the entire game. There should be more like this.

I dunno, I just figure out what key the song is in and improvise over it through all the modes, sometimes switching from diatonic to pentatonic and back, but gauging the color and mood of the song. Sometimes I'll hang around a specific mode if it has a certain feel. Make the guitar sing. What makes me feel good may bore someone else, but it's not about them.

There's a difference. I've lived in Italy for 20 years and can count on one hand how many times I've seen morbidly obese Italians. Every time I go back home to the states, I see double that number of Americans before having even left the airport.

Y'all circle jerk over bullshit and half-truths just as much as they do.

Who doesn't judge bad spending habits? They're a tell-tale sign of immaturity and irresponsibility.

This just looks like they have a piss fetish.

Time to invest in a serious amp, dude. Those guitars are going to sound amazing when you do. Clear your calendar because you won't leave the house for a long, long time.

Is this a serious question? It's all we talk about.

Yes, it does. It doesn't literally mean that, but stronza is used the way bitch is used against women. Stronzo is asshole, stronza is least pejoratively. Obviously not literally.

Calling a woman a bitch means she's rude, arrogant, mean, etc.

Bitch is the pejorative slang for a female dickhead. Stronzo/a is used in the same way because you're not calling someone a turd when you use it, you're saying they're an asshole/bitch.

Bitch literally means cagna; it's the literal word for female dog. It's not even a bad word unless it's used that way pejoratively.

Bitch does not mean puttana. Figlio di puttana is son of a whore, not son of a bitch.

I feel like people who hate Starfield have never played a Bethesda game in their entire lives.