You forgot self storage places

Hillary also had the "bernie bros" and others who stayed home and voted third party. Biden won't have that problem, but has his other (age) issues

So people won't vote for Harris because she didn't push out Biden sooner?

I don't buy it.


They’re not twin cities, but two distinct areas

Pet strollers make more sense than making your dogs walk on hot pavement

I feel like it's mostly Republicans and 2016 Gary Johnson/Jill Stein voters, that are saying Harris is "unlikeable" and wouldn't win. Not to mention all the people who stayed home in 2016 and 2020. Like you're really going to pull the lever for Newsom or Whitmer now? Gimme a break. Harris is underrated and has more room to grow. Not to mention being younger and being able to hit the campaign trail and public appearances more often

She has more room to grow, while Trump will hit his ceiling

Resign no, because Congress would have to approve Harris's VP

I would take Biden over the dog-eater and R*pist

Congress wouldn't confirm Harris's VP though, in that scenario. Next in line would be House Speaker.

Depends on what Jill Biden does

Maybe Uzurv?

They started out originally as like an Uber service, but pivoted towards medical transport

So, pass over a fully qualified VICE PRESIDENT, and throw in an unknown governor and a gay guy? that'll go over well with voters and donors

RFK Jr is a dog-eater and sexual harasser/assaulter, so I doubt now they'll vote for him

She’s the Vice President. No point in being the VP at all, if she wasn’t considered for this role. She should resign if she’s not the choice.