It's also a bit weird bordering disrespectful to chant something related a different Japanese guy unrelated to Kijima while also being pronounced completely different.

Tower Grove South

Considering they weren't even aware the victims were connected to the same event, I imagine they have even less insights into those involved in actually shooting.

Honestly didn't even hear about this until now.

Yes. Hospitals were already on the fringe of collapse addressing COVID patients. Adding mass amounts of withdrawal patients in various conditions would have been disastrous. And that's assuming those individuals sought care as many on the most severe end of the spectrum would have suffered and died at home.


They lost because far too many people abstained or "couldn't" vote for Clinton despite staring down a Trump presidency.

I liked Bernie but he didn't have as big national appeal as many online believe.


The country lost their collective shit after electing a Black man as president. Then, an alarming number had an issue voting for a woman (you argue all you want but Clinton was beyond qualified for the job besides the inexplicable "unlikability").

The unfortunate reality, Harris's other qualities/qualms aside, is running a Black woman to replace Joe Biden is going to be a landslide for Trump. I'll back whatever Democrat gets put up but I think of the names floated, Harris is the weakest. Convenience isn't want the DNC needs right now.

At least anecdotally, "undecided voters" tend to just be people who will vote for Trump but don't like to admit it. Not that it is any better but if you're truly undecided at this point then I don't know what the fuck you've been paying attention to for the last 8 years.

Doesn't really make sense what would sway you at this point. Awaiting for a different Democrat candidate or what you'd just not vote? Hope that Trump goes to jail otherwise you'd vote Democrat? The only one that makes any sense, albeit still baffling, are people so disenfranchised that they are unlikely to participate which is just a heap of other problems entirely.

We know it wasn't a one off because he is still hiding from the public a week later.

Didn't he do a campaign event the very next morning in NC?

I feel like people act like he should be doing nightly debates to atone for this when really, if you get your news from anywhere other than just Reddit or other quick social media, you'd see he's hardly hiding away any more than before.

He is no doubt an old guy. He potentially also had a cold but even setting that aside, the simpler answer is the guy just doesn't have the energy he used to and it didn't hit until the debate was underway rather than some grand scheme of his staff sabotaging the administration which, unless they've been double-crossing this whole time, puts them out of a job potentially indefinitely. The collusion that would be involved to spike this whole thing just doesn't make any sense. He's old and it showed. I'm still voting for him and his administration but not sure why folks can't accept the simplest answer.

Yeah similarly my partner had to adapt pretty quickly when living in rural Nicaragua where the concept of vegetarianism or any sort of selective diet just isn't (or wasn't) a thing. Like you mention, even the stuff you'd assume is vegetarian most likely contained at least an animal-based fat (which she doesn't have an issue with).

Clarke and Dawe have nothing to do with Upright Citizens Brigade.

It's hard to see at night in the sim but there's a big hill , famously with a checkboard warning pattern (and called "checkerboard hill"), right in what would be a typical straight on approach. Approaches from the other direction happened but this one is obviously more historically notable.

Hong Kong is an incredibly dense city.

St. Louis CITY SC :stl:

We'd frequently do drills like this when I was a goalie through college. Definitely the most fun days versus practicing traditional PKs. Actually had a fighting chance and both the attacker and goalie got to practice some valuable skills.

He planned and traveled to have sex with a 12 year old outside the Netherlands. I appreciate you adding details but you definitely came across as rationalizing the situation when it is abhorrent what he did even by whatever localized laws you choose.

Adding age of consent the laws in the Netherlands is irrelevant and further adds an odd sympathetic/justifying tone to your comments.

Tower Grove South

Also, it’s a stoplight. If it was a stop sign I may understand line of sight complaints but that’s less of an issue in a controlled intersection.

You are aware that Hackworth is the interim coach, right?

Also, these really aren’t what tifos typically are about. I could see a “welcome to STL” style one when a new coach is found/named.

Could be an ingredient that includes meat in a very unnoticeable way.

Example was my mom makes this hash brown casserole. My partner is a lifelong vegetarian and loves this casserole. One time I was helping my mom prepare the casserole after being served it for years and asked if she why included “cream of chicken” soup this time. She said yes before it clicked that the soup contains little bits of chicken. Indiscernible, both flavor and texture, when in the final form.

She ultimately had no problem with it because mistakes happen. We changed the recipe to cream of celery and it’s actually a bit better.

Broths generally tend to be the place that “meat” gets added and people don’t think about that not being vegetarian.

This seems like an incredibly expensive undertaking just to fix a roof? I get looking to add usable space but having an overhang structure and roof modifications will be a really big project.

Flat roofs aren’t inherently leaky if done/repaired correctly.

All this said, if you do add a room on, skip the brick. That’ll be very expensive and unless you have a huge amount laying around that matches your house already, it’ll be difficult to match exactly. Doing a simple screened in porch of 3 season room would be a nice addition given the room is fairly small. It’s common around us for brick homes to have built out bits with siding (wood or vinyl) and it looks nice.


Not entirely sure selling medication, even for pets, is something that is allowed here.

I'm taking Figrin D'an over Starlord any day.

Pure speculation but could also have been both sides (Lutz, Carnell) getting fed up and just calling it then. I doubt this was a surprise conversation as far as the trajectory of the team has been but the decision to leave/fire that day could have been impulsive.

Tower Grove South

Your point is pretty flawed when you're basing on the assumption that a qualified candidate can't also be the right-handed candidate. It seems that only "right-handed" candidates to come under more intense scrutiny as to whether their qualifications are sufficient enough to a similar left-handed candidate. Often times they're required to well exceed the handedness of the other candidates otherwise it is considered unfair.

There are obviously cases where certain qualities unrelated to the job have been unfairly weighted over baseline competencies but it's wrong to broadly say striving for more equity and equality in the workforce is problematic. Especially when certain groups have been systematically left out and behind. Again, this isn't me saying it is right to pick a less qualified handedness candidate for the sake of inclusion but just that isn't always the case and people tend to latch on to those instances to criticize the practice broadly.

Yeah we recently had our 100+ year old plumbing redone after it finally failed and the second floor bathroom floor was exactly this. Piping set in concrete. Was very glad we hired that work out as it was a long, loud, messy week of demo.