:flag-ru: :flag-ru-mow: Moscow City

And it's really sad for me to see lefties stuck in the group and smear each other with "moral rightfulness" when in reality they behave like a pack of wild dogs dehumanise everyone who supports Trump. Like, they're still people of your nation, they're harmless and just trying to live and have a hope, why do you hate them so much and why do you praise yourselves for it?

:flag-ru: :flag-ru-mow: Moscow City

First, I thought it was a businessman who became a president - very american story. It was pretty funny to hear about the wall thing and etc. But after the Biden came, I can't understand anything what happens in american politics, and more and more think, that you're choosing between two shits and trying to understand which one is less shitty. I don't have an opinion about Trump now, maybe just he was less hypocritical than the left wing, I'm just sad that american political circus influences the world so much. As for russian people in general, I don't think most of the people think about Trump at all.

It's just funny that Harry doesn't understand the obvious thing. I would react the same and I'm not gay

🇷🇺 native

In the last books Fandorin is a true Mary Sue, too cool to me, so I stopped reading. But first 8 or something books are really cool. My favourite is Статский Советник. Spent a night reading because it was way too interesting

Need to say, this dog is pretty calm about food and not thin. So I think it's well fed, but doesn't vibe with vegetarian concept. Dogs on natural food eat meat and vegetables, and I think this dog will eat everything from the both bowls if ot would has an opportunity.

:flag-ru: :flag-ru-mow: Moscow City

Country is very good! My friends traveled in Vietnam a lot, and they've really enjoyed it! I'm going to travel there too, when I will have an opportunity. Tickets to Vietnam are pricey as hell, though. Also, vietnamese food is reeeeeally tasty, a went to a vietnamese restaurant for local Vietnamese a couple of times, and enjoyed it A LOT! As for students, it's 100% okay, we had a group of Malay students in our institute, we couldn't communicate with them because of a language barrier, but we were nice to them, at least

But is he really gay, or is he joking on Harry? Will we ever know...


Open the game file as administrator. Had it too. Edit: yes, it happens even if your profile has rights as administrator, for some reason it's important to push exactly this option Sad, but no Steam achievements this way...

I understand these people. Once I bought a pack of wet toilet paper, expecting it to be like wet paper, but it was cloth like ordinary wet wipes. And nothing, not any sign that it's not flushable! They went straight to the trash, but if I didn't knew about real wet toilet paper, it would be a huuuuge plumbing problem

Well, maybe entertainment is the right word in this case. I can read "hard" books for entertainment, but it wouldn't be fun, I probably will be crying some times.

:flag-ru: :flag-ru-mow: Moscow City

As a part of personal culture - it is, it was even in good prosperous times. Like, you're enjoying your life, avocado toast, pumpkin spice latte, etc, but if something happens - are you ready? It was always on the back of mind. Everyone in Russia knows from a childhood - clear blue sky is not guaranteed. And yeeees, it's a part of propaganda, big part.

:flag-ru: :flag-ru-mow: Moscow City

I know that your politicians blowed up a house of an opposing YouTuber which made some videos about corruption. And, AFAIK, they did it twice. Funny to read about it, because I couldn't think Australia has corruption problems this big. And any problems this big in general, if it's not a HUGE spiders, of course

:flag-ru: :flag-ru-mow: Moscow City

So, the food I choose to eat the most:

Breakfast - omelette, sandwiches (white or rye bread, butter, some kind of meat, cheese, cucumber), curd, boiled eggs, milk semolina or oat porridge, coffee or tea

Lunch - any soup with sour cream, some kind of meat (baked chicken, steak, cutlets, etc), vegetable mix, some dessert like gingerbread (but it doesn't hace ginger in our version) or oat cookies

Dinner - salad, some meat like at lunch, fish (I like hot smoked mackerel, for example), blini with some meaty stuffing, dessert

Or I'm just being lazy and order food for the day. Like today. I ordered Norwegian waffles and that's will be it for today.

Haha, people got they life ruined and lefties in the comments are celebrating it. Holy hell, it's true, America is full of rot.

No, it's full flash like a light strike for a millisecond. What you described I had when I had an "eye migraine" couple of times - part of vision area was strangely lightened as if I looked on something very bright earlier, but I didn't.

:flag-ru: :flag-ru-mow: Moscow City


Scotland have great nature and scottish people are very cool. Saw a group of them in Moscow about two years ago they were in kilts and high wool socks, unique and cool.

Yeah, enough sleep, reducing stress - no "shoots". Also I now have a medication which causes "flashes" when I forget to take it - so I sure that I take it in time. As for now, everything was good for a long time already

:flag-ru: :flag-ru-mow: Moscow City

I think they're weird, but I haven't seen any of them. But it's known that they walk door to door to speak about they religion. Also doctors don't like them because they refuse blood transfusion and any other transfusion too. So doctors being made to see people die when they really can save their lives. It's hard.

:flag-ru: :flag-ru-mow: Moscow City

Wow, I couldn't imagine such few people know the meme of шушпанчик. On the side of it's history, nowadays this word means something like a small cute rodent, like chinchilla (you can admit sound similarity in this words)

Не проверяла. С парой ради интереса общалась на тему, что именно они хотят, в каких условиях и т.п., и становилось понятно, что они далеко не богаты. Плюс, чтобы получать деньги, нужно с ними общаться и что-то давать взамен, эмоции там, и всё такое, а общаться с крипами неприятно, лучше спокойно заработать денег на работе

Да. Если ты часто комментишь в пабликах или пишешь в чатах, иногда в ЛС приходят рандом челы со словами "будь моей госпожой". Буквально. "Покорный раб, согласен на всё" и всё такое. Тут многие в комментах думают, что это метафорическое изображение. Нет, не метафорическое.

:flag-ru: :flag-ru-mow: Moscow City

I googled some frames and I see that there is exactly green lightning. No, that's doesn't exist. Even the "green lamp" lights with standard yellow light, not green

:flag-ru: :flag-ru-mow: Moscow City

Somewhat common. As far as I understand the topic, it's a standard lamp with many variations of lampshades. Like, I have one with the beige one. But of course green is making the most "soviet" impression. You still can buy it in Russia on Avito or some retro shops. I wanted one, but it's not cheap.