You gotta be direct with guys, if something is bothering you about their behavior, then just ask them "Hey? What would I need to do to get your attention? I really like you."

If you want to practice this kind of stuff I wont mind if you message me, it takes putting yourself outside your comfort zone.

Indeed indeed its a really good feeling :)

You are starting to connect your movements more fluidly man good stuff :)

I uhhhh..... Haven't played DnD in years now, I was one of the players lost during 4e to Pathfinder.

I'd rather them stay true to their roots and not mindlessly follow capitalistic greed.

Absolutely nothing in the article suggests they are going to cut down the trees.

You are blowing hot steam.

Except the only thing being done is the owls are being killed, nothing else, so the action is pointless.

Giant boobs.

They just kind of seem..... Unnatural to me.

My buddy would bask in the groans and butthurt if he did that.

I think the only logical thing to do is to let nature take the course it has chosen, we altered the landscape and now nature is responding, we only mess with that by killing the owls coming in.

If you wanna train them on not hopping on surfaces and going after your food you need to make them willingly not go near it. As in: you gotta be the bigger asshole and make them feel its not worth trying.

Hey bud its great and all making friends with wildlife, but if that bird decides you are doing something it doesn't like and lunges at you, that beak is literally meant for harpooning fish.....

Just so you know.

Ahhh got impatient and didn't read that far.

So the ways in which they are coming are permanent, and us killing them is going to do nothing but delay the inevitable.

You must be an expert on the customs and laws of the pacific northwest then right?

Because its very normal here for people to drive above the speed limit. So much so you wont ever get pulled over for driving 10-15 over as long as you arent doing so in a school or construction zone.

My friend liked to play flip n rip. Came to the cardshop I frequent, won the pre-release, and played in front of everyone, they were visibly upset.

If you don't know flip n rip is where you open a pack facedown and put the cards out in like a grid, you choose one to flip and then another to rip until you got no more cards left.

Yeesh, arent you just a pleasant fellow?

It doesnt answer my question.

They dont say if the owls are migrating naturally or if its happening because of us.

Being offended requires me to care.

Europeans being casually racist towards Americans? Color me shocked.

Gee its almost like my way of trying to relate and add to the story is by recounting my own experiences.

Literally just being social on a social media website.

But thanks for being so socially awkward you would nitpick at me for it.

Tell that to the rednecks that populate this region. Id like to see their reactions.