Yes those all sound like the kinds of people likely to buy insurance voluntarily.

Also, this is still you parroting propaganda and failing to even approach this discussion with a modicum of good faith. I asked you a concrete question: go find some citations if you wanna keep playing. Try responding with actual facts and figures instead of just echoing whatever garbage fox news poured into year.

Keep her comfortable, prepare yourself and your family for the possibility that her time may be on the horizon.

And how many gun injuries and deaths are these casual/recreational gun owners responsible for every year?

Your "arguments" don't make sense Of course, you're not actually making any, clearly just parroting propaganda you heard somewhere.

Actually the issue is more that there's nowhere to park and the subway system makes it so you don't need a car.

$20 says are boy dave here wrote that himself

Contrary to the lies you've been fed, in most other developed countries students graduate with zero debt because higher ed is free, and even in the US higher ed used to be something you could afford by taking a summer job.

The current state of affairs in the US is inexcusable and is a direct consequence of conservatives waging a war against anything they consider associated with the liberalism. Facts have a "liberal bias," so they've been waging war against science and education.

Actually, this sub thread is about the case closure rate specifically, and there's no case to close without a report.

No "muddy" flavor at all. It's a bottom feeder, but you wouldn't know from the taste. Not strongly "fishy" either. Just tasty.

It's one of my favorite fish. Very rich and flavorful, excellent served fried.

I suspect they probably did it with computer graphics renders. They already have excellent technology for that developed for their film franchises, which also include "speed build" as a common effect.

If the original post was made four years ago, it's a repost.

The campground is right next to train tracks. The one time I went, we unwittingly got the site closest to the tracks, on an evening where there was constant rail traffic from 2am through the entire morning, and the trains all honked as they were passing the park for safety.

Beautiful place, shitty camping.

Energized ftw. Glad concerns like "lock out, tag out" aren't part of my work anymore.