Yeah, the only thing that sold me on Tesla was the superchargers. I hate that all the other charging stations vary wildly with price and you have to get an app for each provider pretty much.

I know people with other EV brands and they find the superchargers hit and miss.

This is the first I've seen a tesla parked like this, see plenty of other brands parked like this or worse.

Out of curiosity, what's your reason for not wanting another?

I'm looking to get a new car soon, I was keen for a Model Y, purely for the supercharger network.

As a real engineer, fucking winds me up when the BT "engineer" shows up

It's definitely not a stinkhorn. It's textbook xylaria polymorpha

Bazza 🍺

I just open my eyes and look at her face, that does the trick

I can only use sanex, everything else gives me a rash. It's actually pretty good as well.

If you're being overtaken by lorries, you are driving dangerously slow.

Consultant Engineer £87 per hour

Carveries are dog dirt. "Ooh I'll have some of that grey overcooked meat covered with some watery gravy, please"

"OMG, you can use conditional formatting, you must be some kind of genius"

Yeah, maybe a bit too polite. Next time they park like that, don't be so careful with the garage door.

Around half of the plastic in the world's ocean is fishing and industrial waste, but you better not use a plastic straw!!

Yeah, let it accumulate under the next towns bridge. Still could have taken it out of the water and put it on the bank

You'll be fine, he's a bellend. If he has any video evidence of your driving, he'll likely also be incriminating himself.

It's growing on a small bush/shrub that has thorns, it's blackberries.

You should probably ring 111 and ask someone more qualified than a foraging subreddit.

The acute symptoms will be gone, but worth getting checked out to make sure his kidneys are fine

Did he serenade them with his lute?

As a biker, you should ride more defensively. Whilst the person who ends up knocking you off will likely be at fault, you can save yourself the trouble of injury and bike damage.