Yeah, I sometimes wonder, it's like the modern-day version of "the devil made me do it".

Stealing cuttings of plants from people's gardens and public parks.

Don't risk it, is my advice, not unless you are with locals who know what they are doing.


Nah, development doesn't work like that. The fact that they don't have high-level playtesters is another matter though, the community does their playtesting for free.


I think there is, for Valve's benefit, we need to keep putting the evidence before them.

I mean, maybe I guess, but it seems a lot of them are doing it just because of the lure of good pay (which they'll probably never see most of). You'd think even propaganda and a golden carrot would start to seem less appealing when half your city's men have been wiped out.

I don't know about Ukrainian but in Serbian it's got quite common for younger people to say "Jes!" when they are successful in something and it's definitely something they wouldn't say without the English influence, I don't know if there's some of that here as well.

But you would still think entire towns are being emptied by this, even if it's the poors in the east, surely they start noticing when there are no men left in the entire town, or they are coming back mutilated?!

See, I know nothing about war and fighting and weapons but I knew this was a bad idea, I just don't get how someone gets it into their head to do something like this.

Yeah, I would probably try this first, though I'd try some solvent on there too, like a paint thinner. Either way, they'll have to do the whole slab so that one patch doesn't look squeaky clean compared to the rest!

Bio sam pre desetak godina kad su svirali na Sajmu, iskreno nisam pao u nesvest iako ih slušam decenijama. Nekako su reda radi odsvirali, i zvučalo je kao studijski snimak a ne onaj sirovi Parpl iz 70-ih, 80-ih. Moj lični dojam.

Will they only consider, not for example? Because there are van services that drive from London (Google Yugotransport) who will take Amazon deliveries and deliver to Belgrade and Novi Sad for 10% of the invoice value + 2.50 GBP/kg and customs "formalities" are "taken care of", I've been using them for years, though I don't think I would want to order a laptop that way because of the high value and problems refunding if there are any problems. But I have never had problems with them, I've ordered LOADS of stuff that way.

It's honestly a cheat code, plus everyone is happy.

That's why this is dumb to me. Instead of just doing it with water it's got to be some horrific sugar-laden beverage that only the American palette can even think is normal. Why not do it without ANY sugar, the sugar doesn't make it go down faster, does it?!

Just to add you may not be adding enough, it needs to be a pretty thick layer, as thick as possible. I think we all underestimate how much we need when we start out, we're talking 15 cm, 20 cm at LEAST.

On some of the Telegram channels they are saying that the planes you see hit were under maintenance and couldn't fly but that the drones were actually detected and the serviceable planes taken up in the air to protect them and possibly even try to take down the drones but they were unable to prevent the strike for whatever reason.

Was gonna say, the recipe isn't right here, it shouldn't crumble into bits like this. Couldn't say if it was not enough eggs or too much liquid or what but that's not a pancake mixture.

This blew my mind when I recently tried to learn a little bit of C++ after last doing low-level programming on the 8-bits like 35 years ago. Those processors didn't even have native multiplication or division, you had to shift bits or do multiple additions. Never mind do floating point operations. But the little program I wrote in C when compiled could do BILLIONS per second. My brain still can't take it in.

I was gonna ask this, I assume this isn't even on sale in Europe?! Because this shit just won't fly in the EU, you can't just make a car how you want and then deflect lawsuits when they start coming in - you just can't put something like this on the market, end of story. And nothing of value was lost.

I was gonna ask this, I assume this isn't even on sale in Europe?! Because this shit just won't fly in the EU, you can't just make a car how you want and then deflect lawsuits when they start coming in - you just can't put something like this on the market, end of story. And nothing of value was lost.

Yeah, the whole story is bullshit, do people really believe this?! There are too many stupid things that don't track. Planning a move during a convenient storm, exactly predicted in five days time?! That's just one of a number of fishy moments but I can't be bothered to go into it.