Are you a deranged trump supporter who down votes all those who say things against Trump? The original comment was about throwing ketchup. The following comment was most prisoners aren't throwing ketchup, but they can definitely think of one. Likely the original comment was apparently a random ketchup joke, but the second comment clearly was not. Both comments were clearly jokes and the first while random had a point of reference.

So to clarify, the second comment in this thread was clearly a joke about Trump. If you can't understand that reference, you're on the internet. Trump throwing ketchup at walls was a thing. Use whatever unbiased search and website you prefer.

As a non professional and someone who just cleans their cars, boats, siding, and decks, I'll never own a gas powered one again. The electric 1800psi has more than been enough for those needs. Unless you're in full crazy grime, higher a pro and do maintenance afterwards. I'm not some hippie but the last few years have made me realize how much I hate dealing with gas equipment.

To be real, he just needs to buy real estate in Green Bay and boom done. He also likes buying property so it would just be a funny thing if he actually did it too.

At first I thought this was a troll post and you just wrote LOL on everything.

Making the dealership fix it isn't accepting it. And no a bit of water like that isn't bad. People spill worse drinks over their consoles. So yeah chill out. It shouldn't happen, but demanding a return for this is laughable at best. Or you're just a Karen which seems to be the case here. But hey, I like to be proven wrong. I'd love to see you get this lemoned and show the paperwork behind it. Fight the good fight. Then go buy a RAV4 and all is right in the world again.

I'm right there with you. If the 4th would've been out sooner I'd have gotten one, but was sick of driving around that Pro. I opted for the Mazda CX-50 and it's hilarious that this cross over can tow my teardrop camper better than my Tacoma, which makes sense since it's 320lbs ft of torque @2000rpm and the 6 speed is actually good. Here in Michigan, it's more than capable of 95% of the forest roads. The 4th gens are nice, I test drove them at my local dealership. I'll get one after I've had this for a few years more than likely. Until then I'll enjoy my nice features people think will break like adaptive headlights, heated steering wheel, ventilated seats, a 360 camera with high res, and auto dimming side mirrors.

That's kinda my point. Make them fix it then. But making them take it back, good luck. In my state, you have 3 days and 300 miles and this isn't lemon qualification. You have video. Make them fix it. Is it cool this happened, no. But if they fix it and make it right, who cares. Acting like the car is ruined likely because pinches drain hose is quite the over reaction.

If you're in the 60v family ok. I bought the 12in 20v version and it's amazing for camping when you find downed and dead trees for fire.

Fix it yourself or make the dealer do it. It took Toyota over 3 yrs to fix the leaking of their 3rd brake light and finally admit fault. They're number one in reliability supposedly but let that go on for ever.

In defense of hitches on civics, mine was used as a kayak hauler carrying 8 kayaks. Also for bike racks plenty of times.

How much weight did they put on their? Also are these balanced on both the inside and outside or did the static balance them?

My go to would've been calling out those cheap Amazon special headlights. Hooke roof rack is probably next on deck.

It's a drip tray. It's clean. Move on with your life.

If what you said wasn't a trump joke, then I didn't get. Because I don't know of prisoners throwing ketchup, but I can think of one felon.

Pull the rest of the plate off and you should be able to get a pair of vice grips on it and turn it out. Soak it some PB blaster while you're doing the rest of the oil change.

Without a doubt I agree on the 4R. But we'll have to disagree on the Tacoma. The Tacoma has the same angles on the sides as the 3rd Gen and doesn't go straight down. The bumper have the same middle insert as the 3rd too.its more pronounced, but can easily see its heritage.

Shhhh, you're gonna upset those with the 3rd Gen who think they have the holy Grail. I owned 2. My last being a 21 Pro. They're a beautiful thing that suck to drive. Horrible power band and worse gas mileage. The double overdrive trans sucks regardless of tunes. Oh no a slight incline better down shift before I lose my speed. Seating position is trash. People think a turbo is so complicated yet ignore the different engine cycles that turd of a V6 has and running 12 fuel injectors. They clearly never drove the 4th gen and purely jealous. And they all act like modern features are crazy like a heated steering wheel (scary right?) are going to cause issues.

That or bad gas in general. One reason I make it a point to only buy gas at one spot. If something like that happens it's easy to point to it. Could even be 15% ethanol. Some gas stations are starting carry that now.

Go to the store and spend the $1 for a new gasket. It's meant to be replaced each oil change.

It's really not. Tuned and regeared the thing is a complete dog with no power. It's a top trim and the options of 2012 civic. I got top dollar selling mine so I guess there's that.

Use an iron remover. I used Adams and worked great.

It's still pre season. There's plenty of people like me who couldn't care less. I know where 5 seats will be available.

For the first quarter stay in your seats and scope out what you see available. Then add the game moves on and starters are pulled move up. Remember the key is just acting like you know where you're going and ignore the ushers. You'll be fine. I know my seats will be available unless my friends want to take their kids. I don't bother with pre season.

Been rocking them for months now. I love bronze. I like them better than the 20s. Enkei T6r