More golf on the taxpayers dime! The Grifting Shitcircus lumbers on! Absolutely nothing worth a shit will occur, and lots of it! There goes the neighborhood…

He was off the topic and off the rails. That sociopathic jellyfish that lives between his ears swims in raging cesspool of self delusion. Nope! No thanks!!

An infantile, lying, raging, criminal, mental case who is totally in this for himself, has no interest in America other than grifting the shit out of it. He just wants to commit his crimes free of prosecution. His mindless zombies are too stupid to realize that they are gonna be ground into hamburger just like the rest of us!

If Trump was running against a potato, I’d vote for the potato, every time!

This will be a fact checker’s holiday! Trump’s off the rails.

The kids in the family all rode new Schwinns. Dad had a newer Lawboy push mower.

She struggles hard to be relevant. Her GOP status puts her in the dumbass column. I’m not seeing a reason for her to even hold an office. She’s as useless as Brenna Bird.

Just look at the rest of the shitcircus crime family and who they hang out with. The kid was doomed to be warped even before conception. “Sperm gone wrong” is the entire foundation of this family! Occam’s Razor.

When the MAGA cult took over, the churches had tipped their hand! The toxicity of cult worshippers within their ranks blatantly threw open the curtains and exposed the ugly similarities! Any decent people fled.

This is the sort of thing of which nightmares are made, and now I can’t unsee it!

Republicans are so stupid. If there’s a wrong way to do something, they’ll find it. It must be a genetic defect of some sort.

Screw that! It’s too late, your fake ex-president is already a convicted criminal. You can’t undo the dumpster fire which has already burned out!

He’ll never end this. It’s the mother lode of grifting! He insists on remaining as the Ringmaster of the Trump/MAGA Shitcircus in order to keep somebody else’s money flowing into his pockets. He’s incompetent at practically everything else.

They might as well get used to doing it. It’s not changing, or preventing anything. He’s a criminal and deserves everything he gets for being one.

The meatheads need to bring it! I’ve got plenty of popcorn! 🍿 It went over so well the last time, the entertainment value would likely be double this time around!

He can’t be a martyr if he quits on his own! What sort of “victim” commits his own character assassination!? It would really put a crimp in his grifting schedule, as well! He needs to be kicked to the curb in order to profit from his cult.

All nine of them look unhappy as hell! How much do you think they got paid!?