What a rogue’s gallery of complete dipshits

Like he got a huge paycheck and just said fuck it, I’m going to keep piling on the foolishness until they tell me no and nobody ever did.

I don’t expect Thor to be Cap or one of the MCU’s resident geniuses. But at least treat him with respect. He’s like a sentient Golden Retriever in this.

Those are some tasty semifinals


Jesus Christ you maniacs can’t watch a completely unrelated match without somehow tying it back to Berhalter. At this point I hope he gets fired just so you all can move on with your lives.

Those were some great PKs. Well done

He deserved that. Fantastic match

Fan bases generally overrate their own players but I don't think it's possible to overrate Saliba. He is so fucking good, and most important consistent! I can't remember the last time I watched him and thought he didn't have a great game. We should give him a 10-year contract.

It’s even worse that Dad is emboldening her. “Since you took the birth away from her …” GTF all the way out with that insanity

“Should I expect employees to be here for the hours they are paid if not on PTO?”

You’re fucking with us, right?


I used to cover high school sports in Texas. A kid at one of the track meets I covered was named Carniverus Dewes.

I’ve had a few expensive youth players pay off but it seems like more often than not whenever I’ve dropped a mint the scouting report plummets by the time they hit 18 and I’m stuck. Definitely would not drop 45. Even if he turns out to be world class there are so many other opps to pick those up elsewhere.

:PL:Premier League

That’s horrifying. I have a few friends in the tech field who have gone through similar situations. We missed our quarterly goal by 0.5%? Let’s lay off 10,000 people to make up for it.

Whoever invented work fucking sucks lol

:PL:Premier League

A rounding error. Going through a potential corporate layoff myself, we mean nothing to these people. We're just cells on a spreadsheet.

He's barely been on the job and their results have been mediocre at best. I just thought it was a dumb statement, regardless of whatever does or doesn't happen with the US job. Shit, how many times has Jesse been fired over the past few years? If we're going to fire our own coach, surely we can and should do way better than him.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the ridiculous notion that Marsch is doing “more with less” in Canada.

I typed “Jenny” in the search bar and that was the first thing that came up lol

Yup, he failed miserably. That’s a Grandpa Simpson in and about face back out the door.

It’s definitely not the worst thing I’ve read, but it honestly baffles me how clueless some of these dudes can be.

How do you sit there eating pizza, which you know isn’t great for your wife or baby, while she’s offered leftovers or the opportunity to cook her own meal?

Jesus Christ, Marsch has coached FIVE games with Canada. He's won one with a single goal and a minus-5 differential.

It's like they pull some rando out of the stands to officiate these matches. I reeeeeally fucking hate complaining about refs -- it always feels lazy -- but god damn this guy is on one

I've been watching US matches for 30-plus years now, and the shit you see from these officials STILL blows me away

Saw this live, I did chuckle at the "he's a decent finisher, at times" bit

If the Celtics can't eat shit, at least the Clippers can help themselves to a big ol' bowl. SGA for George straight up would have been an amazing trade, let alone everything else they got.