Who cares? They didn't even know music styles back then. It was pure creative instinct and inspiration. If the riffs hit you.... then enjoy it!

It really can't get any better than this. Pristine beauty without a single digital element.

I am sure there's a way inside Comfyui, buy you can also do a screen recording at high frame rate and then export the frames in image format.

The Departed had amazing source material, yet it is still inferior to the original trilogy.

The Chinese film White Dragon.... A really fun hidden gem

Really fun film!! I do think it didn't age well, because for hypersensitive modern standards. I still recommend it... and don't care!!

To me The Revenant was a better film, but Spotlight had the edge because of the social aspects. I love both films.

I don’t think even paid susbscribers have access yet

Thanks a lot for your contributions and improvements! These workflows are a great starting point for learning and optimizing!

Thanks, that seems like a great practical approach. Have you shared any of your workflows? I would love to give those a try

Amazing contribution!! We definitely need more workflow optimization. I have noticed more and more conflicting nodes, because some Comfyui updates actually end up doing more harm than good. I look forward to more of your great workflows!

Oh yeah... definitely watch it, you can also rent it on Amazon and Google Play. This film is low budget and it was filmed with mostly natural light, but those characteristics give it a more immersive experience. I actually had to watch as part of a cinematography lightning workshop.

Also another Korean film, a classic, is The Chaser. I think the name says it all, and it is a must watch!!!

Totally agree!! So much depth and material available for the past 40 years, and yet only Rogue One and Andor are at the level of the originals. Almost feels like it is done kind of curse!