He, thankfully, is quickly gone.

Season 8 was fine. Season 9 had its moments

I presume he went through his stash already and wanted to celebrate

The teachers all had lead poisoning, so it balanced out

thousand yard stare

I remember the Great Screen Disaster of 97. People say if you listen closely, you can still hear the screams of the victims.

Awww. A black man getting elected made you racist. I’m sure you lot totally would have not been racist otherwise


If Chins Could Kill is an amazing example of an autobiography. So damn entertaining

I see you’re a person of culture, too


My favorite part is he’s got a Coca Cola. I want to believe he asked for coke and this is what they gave him.

“But the inflation Biden can’t control!!!! If we let republicans in, they’re bound to stop voting against all the legislation that democrats proposed to stop price gouging!!!”


Ah, slugs for salt because the grass just expects them to go to them.

Biden will choose competent people to run this country. Trump will choose cronies to fleece this country.

Biden is the only choice for anyone who isn’t a piece of traitorous shit.

Rich people own the media. Rich people love this kind of shit because they want total control and domination.

Yep. As a white guy, the consequences for me are more overarching issues like the environment. I’m not threatened on a fundamental level like women, non-white people, and non-cis/hetero people

I sure as shit will be voting blue down the ballot, though. I’m not a total piece of shit.

I’d vote for a ham sandwich over a treasonous felon

It’s true! My cousin’s best friend’s uncle works at Nintendo and told him!

It was definitely confusing for young me